英语小作文 piease tell us sth about how you studying english
How do you study English
I was poor at English.But I am not now.My English teacher told me if I want to study English well.I should make my mind on it.From that day,I started to watching a lot of American movies.I can't hear one word clearly at first,but after 3 months.Surprisely I find that I could listen a little,maybe in a little future,I could chat with foreigners.And also ,I read a lot.I have bought a lot of English version of books.I often write some compositons and give them to my English teacher.So ,after a lot of hard work.I make a great progress.And this is how I study English
I was poor at English.But I am not now.My English teacher told me if I want to study English well.I should make my mind on it.From that day,I started to watching a lot of American movies.I can't hear one word clearly at first,but after 3 months.Surprisely I find that I could listen a little,maybe in a little future,I could chat with foreigners.And also ,I read a lot.I have bought a lot of English version of books.I often write some compositons and give them to my English teacher.So ,after a lot of hard work.I make a great progress.And this is how I study English
- 1money is only a means to an end,not the end itself.
- 2解方程 (x的平方+4)的平方-4(x的平方+4)=5
- 3一个等腰梯形,上底是2,下底是8,高是4.1、剪一刀,拼成一个三角形 2、剪一刀,拼成一个菱形
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- 6近义词.犹如_()景观_()颤动_()缓缓_()
- 7△ABC和△ADE为等边三角形,B、D、E三点在同一直线上∠ACD=20°求∠BAD度数.
- 85.4化成最简分数 在括号里填上的最简分数 80厘米=( )米 700千克=( )吨 350平方分米=( )平方米
- 9《游山西村》的作者是谁
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- 2哈尔滨冰雪大世界每年用的冰大约能融化8万立方米的水,它们相当于多少个长50米宽25米深1.2米的游泳池储水
- 3设集合A={x|-1小于x小于等于1},集合B={x|0小于x-a小于3,a属于R}如果A交B=空集,求实数a的取值范围.
- 4元素周期表前20个的真是质量
- 5有关胚胎发育规律
- 6英语翻译
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