求完整版儿歌“ten little monkey swing in the tree,Mr alligator you can‘t catch me.”
ten little monkey swing in the tree,.Mr alligator you can‘t catch me.
nine little monkey swing in the tree,.Mr alligator you can‘t catch me.
ten little monkey swing in the tree,.Mr alligator you can‘t catch me.
nine little monkey swing in the tree,.Mr alligator you can‘t catch me.
歌名:Five little monkeys swinging in the tree
Five little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
Four little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
Three little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
Two little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
One little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
No more monkeys swinging in the tree!
Five little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
Four little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
Three little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
Two little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
One little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr.Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr.Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
No more monkeys swinging in the tree!
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