Which is the room in your flat you love most
My bedroom is very nice. I like it. It’s a small world to me.
When you are in my bedroom, first you can see my big beautiful bookcase, it’s orange. My books are in it. I spend my pocket money on some books. My parents bought the others for me. They are very interesting and nice. My desk is next to the bookcase. There is a doll on the desk, it’s lovely. A friend gave it to me on my birthday. My bed is near the bookcase. It’s large and comfortable. I also have a wardrobe. It’s in my bedroom. My wardrobe is brown. A big mirror is on it. All my clothes are in the wardrobe.
I like my bedroom. It makes me relax.
When you are in my bedroom, first you can see my big beautiful bookcase, it’s orange. My books are in it. I spend my pocket money on some books. My parents bought the others for me. They are very interesting and nice. My desk is next to the bookcase. There is a doll on the desk, it’s lovely. A friend gave it to me on my birthday. My bed is near the bookcase. It’s large and comfortable. I also have a wardrobe. It’s in my bedroom. My wardrobe is brown. A big mirror is on it. All my clothes are in the wardrobe.
I like my bedroom. It makes me relax.
- 1每箱伊利牛奶卖48元,每箱有24盒.周末搞促销,买一箱送一箱,请问周末买一箱牛奶,平均每盒便宜多少钱?
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- 6先化简,再求值(3m+2)(3m-2)-5m(m-1)-(2m-1)的平方,其中m=-3分之2
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