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高中英语必修四 人教


必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement知识点讲解
1. achieve
【课文原句】She has achieved everything she wanted to do… (P3)
【名师点拨】achieve v. 意为“完成;达到”,指经过长期努力而达到某目标、地位或标准等.其名词形式为achievement,意为“成就;功绩”,a sense of achievement可指“成就感”.如:
He had finally achieved success.
Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement.
2. condition
【课文原句】She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. (P1)
【名师点拨】condition 意为“环境;境况;条件”时,是可数名词,常用复数形式conditions;意为“状态;状况”时,是不可数名词,be in good condition表示“处于良好的状态”,be out of condition表示“健康状况不佳”.如:
We should pay more attention to the poor living under the bad conditions.
The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.
My car is old but in good condition.
He is overweight and out of condition.
【知识拓展】condition意为“条件”时,常用短语on condition that,表示“如果;在……条件下”;在美国英语中,也经常用under the condition that.如:
I will come on condition that Peter is invited.
They agreed under the condition that the matter be dealt with quickly.
3. devote
【课文原句】She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. (P1)
【名师点拨】devote vt. 意为“投入于;献身”,其宾语后常与介词to搭配,to后接名词、代词或动名词.devote … to … 意为“献身;致力于”,指把自己、时间、精力等奉献给某种工作或事业.如:
He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.
The girl, to whom he was devoted, died in a traffic accident by chance.
After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.
4. behave
【课文原句】Jane has studied these animals for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. (P2)
【名师点拨】behave vi & vt. 意为“举动;举止;行为表现”,如behave well / badly等.其名词形式为behaviour,指“行为;态度;举止”.如:
The parents encouraged the children to behave well in front of the guests.
My camera has been behaving well since it was repaired.
Everyone praises the children's good behaviour.
5. worthwhile
【课文原句】But the evening makes it all worthwhile. (P2)
【名师点拨】worthwhile adj.意为“值得做的;值得出力的”,可作表语或定语.be worthwhile to do / doing sth表示“值得做……”,在动词-ing形式的结构中,worthwhile有时可以用来替代worth,特别是在表示“值得花时间”这一概念时.如:
I think teaching school is always a worthwhile job.
The book referred to by the professor is worthwhile / worth reading.
6. observe
【课文原句】Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities. (P2)
【名师点拨】observe vt. 意为“观察;观测;遵守”,可用observe sb do sth,observe + that从句.其名词形式为observation.如:
I observed the man who murdered the boy enter the shop.
He observed that we should probably have rain.
Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals’ behaviour.
7. argue
【课文原句】She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. (P2)
【名师点拨】argue作动词时,意为“争论;争吵;争辩”.argue for意为“为……辩护”;argue with sb about / over sth指“就某事和某人争论”;argue against意为“据理反对;争辩……”.如:
It is no use arguing for the plan because it has been rejected.
We are always arguing with each other about money.
Father argued fiercely against any increase in expenditure for the children’s annual party.
【知识拓展】argue的名词形式为argument,意为“争论;争端;论证”,常构成短语settle an argument指“解决争端”.
9. care for
【课文原句】It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some rules for keeping babies clean and healthy. (P6)
【名师点拨】care for可以表示look after的意思,意为“照顾;照料”,且较正式;也可表示“喜欢”的意思.如:
His son cared for him when he was ill.
In fact, I don’t really care for basketball.
另外,在上面的句子中,explain意为“解释,说明”,后可接名词、代词、从句或wh + to do作宾语,可用explain sth to sb或explain to sb sth.如:
Will you explain to us how we can finish the work as soon as possible?
【知识拓展】care about意为“介意;在乎”,表示是否认为某事是重要的,某事是否引起了某人的兴趣或使其忧虑.最常用于疑问句或否定句中.about用在宾语前面,但是在连词前面一般省掉.
I don’t care about your opinion.
I don’t care whether it rains — I’m happy.
10. intend
【课文原句】I looked carefully at the text and realised that it was intended for women who lived in the countryside. (P6)
【名师点拨】intend v. 意为“打算;计划;想要”.intend to do sth意为“想干某事”;intend后也可以接动词-ing形式或that从句.intend for表示“原打算给某人;准备让……干……”.如:
I intended to come to your house last night but it rained.
I intend coming / to come back soon.
He hadn’t really intended that they should be there.
This gift is intended for you.
1. 集合名词有family, team, group, party, class, public, club, crew, crowd, enemy, audience, company, committee, government, population等,当被看作一个整体时,表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式;如果这些集合名词指其中的每个成员,表示复数意义,谓语动词则用复数形式.即谓语动词的单复数要与主语的含义相一致.如:
My class is a big one, including thirty boys and thirty girls.
My class are working hard for the coming exam.
2. 有些集合名词作主语时,谓语只能用复数形式,如:people, the police, the military, mankind, cattle等.如:
The police are searching for the lost child.
不定代词anyone, anybody, anything, everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, nothing, each, the other等作主语时,谓语动词用单数.如:
Everything goes well with me.
Each of the students in our class has an English-Chinese dictionary.
当表示同一人物或观点时,谓语动词用单数.如:A novelist and playwright is coming to our school. 这里表示“一位小说家兼剧作家”,是同一个人,所以谓语动词用单数.
如果是A novelist and a playwright作主语,这时表示“一位小说家和一位剧作家”,是两个人,所以谓语动词用复数,该句应改为:A novelist and a playwright are coming to our school.
四、The + adj.作主语时的主谓一致.
当The + adj.表示抽象的含义时,谓语动词用单数.如:The beautiful is the true.
当The + adj.表示该类全体的含义时,谓语动词用复数.如:The rich should help the poor.
必修4 Unit 2 Working the land 知识点讲解
Unit2 Working the land
Phrases and Idioms
1. be satisfied (with): pleased because you have got what you want
1) Jane isn't quite satisfied with the way the barber cut her hair.
2) If you are not completely satisfied, you can get your money back.
3) I am not really satisfied with the job you did.
2. refer to : a) mention or speak about someone or something
b) to look at a hook map, piece of paper, etc, for information
1) We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
2) Although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.
3) He gave the speech without referring to his notes even once.
3. would rather: used to say what someone prefers
1) It seems you would rather play than work.
2)She would rather die than lose the children.
3) I would rather starve than be dependent on anyone again.
4. thanks to sb/ sth : because of sb./ sth.
1) I was late thanks to the heavy traffic.
2) It was thanks to his advice that I succeeded.
3) We've collected $50,000 for the poor, thanks to the generosity of the public.
5. rid of sb/sth: become free of
1) Will science- finally rid us of this disease?
2) Do you think it possible to rid the world of nuclear weapons?
3) By working hard day and night, she is trying to rid herself of loneliness and sadness.
6. lead a ...life: live in the way what you life is like
1) Before liberation, my grandpa led a dog's life.
2) If the operation succeeds, the patient will be able to lead a normal life.
3) Mrs. Black is retired and leads a quiet and peaceful life in a mountain village.
7. care about: love; be interested in; be concerned with
1) Just listening to somebody shows you care about them.
2) Your parents are only doing this because they care about you.
3) The only thing this rich- and greedy man seems to care about is money.
8. insist on sth/doing sth: to demand that something must be done or that you must have a particular thing
1) The school insists on good behaviour from its students.
2) John insisted on doing all the work himself, though he was in poor health.
3) The old man insisted on helping me find a taxi even though I told him I didn't need any help.
必修4 Unit3 A taste of humor 知识点讲解
1. content
【课文原句】Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. (P17)
【名师点拨】content adj.意为“满足的;满意的”,be content to do意为“乐意去做某事”;be content with sb / sth意为“对某人或某事感到满意”,相当于be pleased with或be satisfied with.如:
I’m content to help you to set up a website on the Internet.
Those who are not content with the progress they have made will have greater success.
注:worse off是badly off的比较级,意思是“境况比……更差”;better off意为“境况比……好”.如:
To my surprise, I found his living conditions were much worse off than mine.
With the development of economy, more and more people are better off.
My explanation seemed to content him.
Now she began to live in peace and content.
We've discussed the unusual form of the book — now, what about the content?
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