求短语 make up 的所有的翻译,最好有例句.
make up; make oneself/sb up 为自己[某人]化妆:
She spent an hour making (herself) up before the party.她在聚会前化妆用了一个小时.
She's always very heavily made up,ie She puts a lot of make-up on her face.她总是浓妆艳抹的.
make sth up (a) 形成﹑ 构成或组成某物:
Animal bodies are made up of cells.动物的身体是由细胞组成的.
What are the qualities that make up her character?形成她性格的特质是什麽?
These arguments make up the case for the defence.这些论据是有利於被告的理由.
Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities.社会是由能力迥异的人组成的.
(b) 将几种东西放在一起:
make up a bundle of old clothes for a jumble sale 把旧衣物捆起准备义卖
She made up a basket of food for the picnic.她为野餐装好一篮子食物.
(c) 配(药):
The pharmacist made up the prescription.药剂师按处方配了药.
(d) 将(布料)制成衣服:
Can you make up this dress length for me?你能用这块衣料给我做一件连衣裙吗?
(e) 铺(床); 支起(临时床):
We made up the bed in the spare room for our guest.我们在空着的房间里给客人铺好床.
They made up a bed for me on the sofa.他们给我在沙发上铺好被褥当作床.
(f) 给(火)添燃料:The fire needs making up,ie needs to have more coal put on it.这火该添点煤了.
(g) 铺(路).
(h) 编排(版面); 拼(版).
(i) 捏造﹑ 虚构某事(尤指为欺骗某人):
make up an excuse 编造藉口
I couldn't remember a story to tell the children,so I made one up as I went along.我想不出有什麽故事可给孩子讲了,只好现编现讲.
Stop making things up!不要胡编了!
(j) 补足或补齐某事物:
We still need 100 to make up the sum required.我们还需要100英镑才能达到所需的数目.
We have ten players,so we need one more to make up a team.我们已有十名运动员,尚需一名才能凑成一个队.
(k) 代替﹑ 取代﹑ 替换或赔还某事物:
Our losses will have to be made up with more loans.我们需增加贷款以赔补亏损.
You must make up the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.你今晚得熬夜来补回下午浪费的时间.
make up for sth 补偿﹑ 赔偿﹑ 弥补或抵消某事物:
Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.勤能补拙.
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.孩子的死亡是无可弥补的损失.
The beautiful autumn made up for the wet summer.美丽的秋季抵消了多雨的夏季这一缺憾.
make up (to sb) for sth (因给某人带来麻烦或苦难)酬谢或报答某人:
How can I make up for the way I've treated you?我这样待你,真不知怎样才能向你赔罪.
make up to sb 讨好或巴结某人:
He's always making up to the boss.他总是巴结老板.
make it up to sb 补偿某人的损失﹑ 遭受的不幸或花费的钱财:
Thanks for buying my ticket I'll make it up to you later.感谢你给我买了票--我稍後再还给你钱.
make (it) up (with sb) 与某人和解或和好:
Why don't you two kiss and make up?你们俩接个吻,言归於好吧!
Has he made it up with her yet/Have they made it up yet?他跟她[他们]和好了吗?
She spent an hour making (herself) up before the party.她在聚会前化妆用了一个小时.
She's always very heavily made up,ie She puts a lot of make-up on her face.她总是浓妆艳抹的.
make sth up (a) 形成﹑ 构成或组成某物:
Animal bodies are made up of cells.动物的身体是由细胞组成的.
What are the qualities that make up her character?形成她性格的特质是什麽?
These arguments make up the case for the defence.这些论据是有利於被告的理由.
Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities.社会是由能力迥异的人组成的.
(b) 将几种东西放在一起:
make up a bundle of old clothes for a jumble sale 把旧衣物捆起准备义卖
She made up a basket of food for the picnic.她为野餐装好一篮子食物.
(c) 配(药):
The pharmacist made up the prescription.药剂师按处方配了药.
(d) 将(布料)制成衣服:
Can you make up this dress length for me?你能用这块衣料给我做一件连衣裙吗?
(e) 铺(床); 支起(临时床):
We made up the bed in the spare room for our guest.我们在空着的房间里给客人铺好床.
They made up a bed for me on the sofa.他们给我在沙发上铺好被褥当作床.
(f) 给(火)添燃料:The fire needs making up,ie needs to have more coal put on it.这火该添点煤了.
(g) 铺(路).
(h) 编排(版面); 拼(版).
(i) 捏造﹑ 虚构某事(尤指为欺骗某人):
make up an excuse 编造藉口
I couldn't remember a story to tell the children,so I made one up as I went along.我想不出有什麽故事可给孩子讲了,只好现编现讲.
Stop making things up!不要胡编了!
(j) 补足或补齐某事物:
We still need 100 to make up the sum required.我们还需要100英镑才能达到所需的数目.
We have ten players,so we need one more to make up a team.我们已有十名运动员,尚需一名才能凑成一个队.
(k) 代替﹑ 取代﹑ 替换或赔还某事物:
Our losses will have to be made up with more loans.我们需增加贷款以赔补亏损.
You must make up the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.你今晚得熬夜来补回下午浪费的时间.
make up for sth 补偿﹑ 赔偿﹑ 弥补或抵消某事物:
Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.勤能补拙.
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.孩子的死亡是无可弥补的损失.
The beautiful autumn made up for the wet summer.美丽的秋季抵消了多雨的夏季这一缺憾.
make up (to sb) for sth (因给某人带来麻烦或苦难)酬谢或报答某人:
How can I make up for the way I've treated you?我这样待你,真不知怎样才能向你赔罪.
make up to sb 讨好或巴结某人:
He's always making up to the boss.他总是巴结老板.
make it up to sb 补偿某人的损失﹑ 遭受的不幸或花费的钱财:
Thanks for buying my ticket I'll make it up to you later.感谢你给我买了票--我稍後再还给你钱.
make (it) up (with sb) 与某人和解或和好:
Why don't you two kiss and make up?你们俩接个吻,言归於好吧!
Has he made it up with her yet/Have they made it up yet?他跟她[他们]和好了吗?
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