1- Go to Origin Games folder( Under Programs Files on your PC there is a folder named Origin )
2- Remove the TM ( Trade Mark ) at the end of Battlefield 4.
3-Then if you are working on Windows 7,hit “Run” at the Start menu and type "regedit' then go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Battlefield 4".
4- Right click on Display Name and modify the name by removing the TM ( Trade Mark ) from the end of Battlefield 4 word then hit OK to save the changes.
5- Launch your Bf 4 game now and try to play again.
1- Go to Origin Games folder( Under Programs Files on your PC there is a folder named Origin )
2- Remove the TM ( Trade Mark ) at the end of Battlefield 4.
3-Then if you are working on Windows 7,hit “Run” at the Start menu and type "regedit' then go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Battlefield 4".
4- Right click on Display Name and modify the name by removing the TM ( Trade Mark ) from the end of Battlefield 4 word then hit OK to save the changes.
5- Launch your Bf 4 game now and try to play again.
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