1.The sudden power f______ caused great confusion.
2.After the flood,they had a hard time getting everything back to n_______.
3.She is careful about what she eats and exercise r_____to keep her figure.
4.The rescue p_______has searched the whole forest thoroughly without luck.
5.It's important to c______ theory with practice.
6.You must book the ticket in a______ in case that you are not able to get one.
7.She has no idea great trouble in s____ for her.
8.These tickets are a____ for a month.
9.Many people s_____ from a great dread of heights.
10.He is no m_____ for her when it comes to chess.
1.The sudden power f______ caused great confusion.
2.After the flood,they had a hard time getting everything back to n_______.
3.She is careful about what she eats and exercise r_____to keep her figure.
4.The rescue p_______has searched the whole forest thoroughly without luck.
5.It's important to c______ theory with practice.
6.You must book the ticket in a______ in case that you are not able to get one.
7.She has no idea great trouble in s____ for her.
8.These tickets are a____ for a month.
9.Many people s_____ from a great dread of heights.
10.He is no m_____ for her when it comes to chess.
1 failing
2 normal
3 regularly
4 party
5 conclude
6 advance
7 sudden
8 available
9 suffer
10 match
2 normal
3 regularly
4 party
5 conclude
6 advance
7 sudden
8 available
9 suffer
10 match
- 1语言学的认知迷题
- 2我想问的是音标的一个问题,辅音t在什么情况下读d这个音?
- 3现在我们日常生活中存在哪些不便的事,或者不易防范的安全隐患呢?
- 4地图上5cm的实际380km,量得甲乙相距13.5cm,实际相距多少km?(用比例的方程法解)
- 5市政工程队计划修筑一条公路已经修完121.8千米正好是计划的七分之六这条公路计划修筑多少千米
- 6若线段b是线段a,c的比例中项,且a=1,b=5,则b=
- 7圆形直径是10米,怎么等分面积10分,不是角度等分,而是平行等分
- 8物体内部的分子是怎样运动的?在固体内部的呢?
- 9一条初三的一元二次方程应用题
- 101.已知a、b、c都是有理数,且满足a分之|a|+b分之|b|+c分之|c|=1,求代数式|abc|分之abc的值.
- 1thank you for a message是什么意思?
- 2we prefer music that has great lyrics that可不可以省
- 3甲,乙两站的铁路长360千米,一火车上午9点半从甲站开往乙站,下午14点到达乙战,这辆车每小时行多少千米
- 4请问怎么知道where 引导的是定语从句,宾语从句,状语从句~
- 5没有氧气也能燃烧?
- 6下列各组注音都有一个错,把它找出来并订正 A.粗糙(cū) 倔强(qiáng)卷帙(shì)妥协(xié) B.汲取(jí)
- 7在实施“村村通”工程中,粗细均匀,长8m,质量300kg的电杆横卧在水平地面上,现在要把它慢慢竖起来,此过程中至少需要做功多少焦耳?
- 8通过潜望镜看到的物体的像是
- 9X Y是短周期元素 两者形成的化合物为X2Y3 若Y的原子序数为n则X的原子序数不可能为多少
- 10-丌是有理数吗