关于from one place to another place 英语演讲
From one place to another place
The ever developing of globalization has brought us a simpler concept:the global country.Many people believe in it.As they see the time traveling to other countries have been greatly shortened by the advanced transportation technology.The old mailing systems become so inefficient comparing to the new Internet technology.Moreover,the IM (instant message) have brought people who living in the different part of the world likes being living in the same country.Even closer than that,they do not need to go out door to say hello to neighbors.Many people thus start t argue that they can travel to different places without moving their legs by Internet.And they can obtain the same scene and culture just like physically traveling there.Or do they?
From one place to another place,is really just the issue of distance?
I hardly think so.
People living in this world and evolve so many years,have distinct culture issues.These culture issues cannot be easily access or obtained through Internet since many.Or most of these cultures were developed during the age of no Internet.If you wish to travel from one place to another place,it is important to keep it in mind that these people are different.For example,no matter how much a American tourist has prepared before traveling to China.No matter how many different websites that he/ she has visited and learned from them,when traveling to this magic country,he /she can always find/ discover new things that relate to culture issues,While China has carried out the open door policy for more than 20 years.It virtually has everything that the US has,from the transportation and language,even things as small as an ipod is popular in China.But,usually,even with the identical things that had been used in different people around the world.They can be viewed and used differently,If you would like to know that,travel from one place t another physically
The ever developing of globalization has brought us a simpler concept:the global country.Many people believe in it.As they see the time traveling to other countries have been greatly shortened by the advanced transportation technology.The old mailing systems become so inefficient comparing to the new Internet technology.Moreover,the IM (instant message) have brought people who living in the different part of the world likes being living in the same country.Even closer than that,they do not need to go out door to say hello to neighbors.Many people thus start t argue that they can travel to different places without moving their legs by Internet.And they can obtain the same scene and culture just like physically traveling there.Or do they?
From one place to another place,is really just the issue of distance?
I hardly think so.
People living in this world and evolve so many years,have distinct culture issues.These culture issues cannot be easily access or obtained through Internet since many.Or most of these cultures were developed during the age of no Internet.If you wish to travel from one place to another place,it is important to keep it in mind that these people are different.For example,no matter how much a American tourist has prepared before traveling to China.No matter how many different websites that he/ she has visited and learned from them,when traveling to this magic country,he /she can always find/ discover new things that relate to culture issues,While China has carried out the open door policy for more than 20 years.It virtually has everything that the US has,from the transportation and language,even things as small as an ipod is popular in China.But,usually,even with the identical things that had been used in different people around the world.They can be viewed and used differently,If you would like to know that,travel from one place t another physically
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