Westerners in the diet emphasizes science and nutrition,so the whole process of cooking are to act strictly in accordance with scientific standards,the taste of steak from New York to San Francisco identical,steak side dishes are only tomatoes,potatoes,lettuce limited number.Moreover,the standardization of the amount of cooking required to add spices accurate to grams,cooking time,accurate to seconds.Chinese cooking with different,not only the major cuisine has its own flavor and characteristics of the same cuisine that is the same dish,garnish it with a variety of spices used in the match,according to chef's personal characteristics will be different .Is the same chef doing the same dish,although he has done his own practice,but also according to different seasons and different occasions,eating people's different identities,be adjusted.There will also cook their own spot because of changes in mood to make some kind of improvised play.Therefore,the Chinese cooking not only emphasizes precise to the second and grams of standardization,but also with special emphasis on randomness.
Westerners in the diet emphasizes science and nutrition,so the whole process of cooking are to act strictly in accordance with scientific standards,the taste of steak from New York to San Francisco identical,steak side dishes are only tomatoes,potatoes,lettuce limited number.Moreover,the standardization of the amount of cooking required to add spices accurate to grams,cooking time,accurate to seconds.Chinese cooking with different,not only the major cuisine has its own flavor and characteristics of the same cuisine that is the same dish,garnish it with a variety of spices used in the match,according to chef's personal characteristics will be different .Is the same chef doing the same dish,although he has done his own practice,but also according to different seasons and different occasions,eating people's different identities,be adjusted.There will also cook their own spot because of changes in mood to make some kind of improvised play.Therefore,the Chinese cooking not only emphasizes precise to the second and grams of standardization,but also with special emphasis on randomness.
- 12个杯子,第一个杯子里装有80%的酒精溶液100g,第二个杯子里装有60g水,
- 2一个人独自看夕阳美的句子、要淡淡忧伤的.谢谢!
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- 1秦观江城子的最后与李煜的“问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流”,在表现手法上
- 2已知函数f(x)=1-(x-a)(x-b)并且m.n是f(x)的两个零点则abmn的大小关系
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