英文作文 more care for others怎么写啊
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作文 难
There is an old saying:“Happiness does not depend on wealth,rights and looks,but depends on you and everybody around you.” In our life,it is full of love,if everyone knows how to love others; the world will become more beautiful.
Around us,there are many people who need care,such as the blind,the deaf,the disabled and so on.They are all very unlucky.But we are all lucky.We must let them know that they are not alone.
I have been to a nursing home.When the aged saw us,we were like their grandchildren,and I saw their smile.How beautiful it was.That time I felt we must take more care for others.
Care for others,it is our virtues,we need to know when we care for others,we are happy too.“The roses in her hand,the favor in mine.” I appeal to the people:“Let’s take more care for others,right now!”
Around us,there are many people who need care,such as the blind,the deaf,the disabled and so on.They are all very unlucky.But we are all lucky.We must let them know that they are not alone.
I have been to a nursing home.When the aged saw us,we were like their grandchildren,and I saw their smile.How beautiful it was.That time I felt we must take more care for others.
Care for others,it is our virtues,we need to know when we care for others,we are happy too.“The roses in her hand,the favor in mine.” I appeal to the people:“Let’s take more care for others,right now!”
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