英语作文 do you like to study at home or school
rt .写出原因 两个都要写到 语言尽量普通一点.
rt .写出原因 两个都要写到 语言尽量普通一点.
Do you like to study at home or school
Most of us choose school as the place to take in.knowledge.But there are some who would rather study at their homes.
Learning in school have some advantage over learning at home.You can get in touch with people in your school,which means you would make some friends.What's more, learning in school could teach you how to deal with people.
Learning at home also has some good points.You would learn what you are interest in and be free of all the tiring rules and disciplines in school.And you can make your own schedule
and not limited by the time.
All in all, In my opinion it is not as important where you learn as what you learn.
Most of us choose school as the place to take in.knowledge.But there are some who would rather study at their homes.
Learning in school have some advantage over learning at home.You can get in touch with people in your school,which means you would make some friends.What's more, learning in school could teach you how to deal with people.
Learning at home also has some good points.You would learn what you are interest in and be free of all the tiring rules and disciplines in school.And you can make your own schedule
and not limited by the time.
All in all, In my opinion it is not as important where you learn as what you learn.
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