英文翻译:These Days
These days, I searched many books in Dangdang web, and booked a order in the web, maybe it will be arrived on Aug 1st.
Recently, I want to read English and practice my oral, in order for pushing myself to full my life, due to I lost so much times in my spare.
This month passed quickly, after Aug, the middle-moon festival is coming. For strengthen the cooperation between customers and our company, my colleagues and I prepare the relevant information for our customers, to prepare the moon-cake for them. Sometimes, a little present maybe change the relationship for us. I hope all the customers can be warmly and kindly to us, and say softly words to us, of course, that is only my private thought, maybe I will receive complain tomorrow.
These days, I searched many books in Dangdang web, and booked a order in the web, maybe it will be arrived on Aug 1st.
Recently, I want to read English and practice my oral, in order for pushing myself to full my life, due to I lost so much times in my spare.
This month passed quickly, after Aug, the middle-moon festival is coming. For strengthen the cooperation between customers and our company, my colleagues and I prepare the relevant information for our customers, to prepare the moon-cake for them. Sometimes, a little present maybe change the relationship for us. I hope all the customers can be warmly and kindly to us, and say softly words to us, of course, that is only my private thought, maybe I will receive complain tomorrow.
- 1点P是平行四边形ABCD的对角线BD上一点,过点P作一直线分别交BA,BC,交于Q,R,又交于CD,AD,于S.T
- 2甲先加工了零件三分之一,乙开始加工,完成时,乙加工了零件的七分之二,速度之比是5:4.求零件数
- 3椭圆相关的轨迹问题……和直线与椭圆的位置关系问题
- 4(1/2)质量为3千克的物体,受到45牛竖直向上的拉力作用,从静止开始运动了5秒,求〈1〉5秒内拉力对物体...
- 5流体粘度分为动力粘度、()和相对粘度.
- 6立体几何求角和距离
- 7求微分 d(xe^x) 还有个导数 (e^x)'
- 8在11月二号的上午是 on the morning of 2nd November
- 9甲数除以乙数的商是1.5,甲数:乙数=( ):( )
- 10两个串联的弹簧测力下挂着9牛的重物,问两个弹簧测力计的示数分别是多少?
- 1甲乙二人同时从相距7千米的A,B两地相向而行,两人的速度分别是每分钟45米和35米.同时丙骑车以每分钟315米的速度从A出发,当丙遇到乙时马上掉头往回走,又迎面遇到了甲,求此时甲乙的距离为多少千米?
- 2一个正方形的周长是4/5米,这个正方形的面积是_平方米. 一个正方形的周长的4/5是1/5米,这个正方形的周长是_米.
- 3这里的cell是什么意思?
- 4汽车爬坡时加速度怎么变化
- 51.下列说法正确的是
- 6每到元宵节晚上,这条街总是张灯结彩,热闹非凡用英语怎么翻译
- 7请问在外贸术语中“CIP"怎么解释?
- 8九上解方程计算 12—(2X+1)平方=0
- 9平方根是它本身的数是什么?有人说是0和1,有人说是0,那个才是正确的啊?
- 10一个双链DNA分子,在复制解旋时,一条链上的G变成C,则该DNA分子经N次复制后,发生差错的DNA占?为什么