I like chatting on the internet.chatting on the internet can help people make friends from all the world as many as they can .also,it can save people’s time and money.And it can pratice people’s comuniting skill..but it also has its disadvantages.when people sit in the front of the computer ,they can not help to opening their QQ.some even chat many hours on the internet.what is more,friends on the internet often like to chet and bring unhealthy news to you.and it can hanve an effect on your study and work.
If you want to have a healthy body, they shouldn't eat too much junk food. Should eat more fruit and vegetables, you should exercise more, watch TV time should not be too long, control plays the computer the time. Early to bed and early to rise every day.
To be educated people, must be able to clearly and effectively to think and write; Natural, social and human to be critical of the understanding; Should not have a place of the narrow-minded and neglect other regions and another time, must understand the culture and the formation of the future shape now other regions and other time in history of culture and power; To can understand and think about moral and ethical problem
The best answer everyone has got into trouble, then you need most is other people to give you help. If everyone is given their love, will no longer see others do not anxious to help the oboro face. We should take them for example, ready to help others
He said the PLA lei feng! He should become our example, although very young by the accident gave his life, but he lived a great life and died a glorious! Lei feng's uncle have many reminders of nice, like seats, that can have is the norm.
I like chatting on the internet.chatting on the internet can help people make friends from all the world as many as they can .also,it can save people’s time and money.And it can pratice people’s comuniting skill..but it also has its disadvantages.when people sit in the front of the computer ,they can not help to opening their QQ.some even chat many hours on the internet.what is more,friends on the internet often like to chet and bring unhealthy news to you.and it can hanve an effect on your study and work.
If you want to have a healthy body, they shouldn't eat too much junk food. Should eat more fruit and vegetables, you should exercise more, watch TV time should not be too long, control plays the computer the time. Early to bed and early to rise every day.
To be educated people, must be able to clearly and effectively to think and write; Natural, social and human to be critical of the understanding; Should not have a place of the narrow-minded and neglect other regions and another time, must understand the culture and the formation of the future shape now other regions and other time in history of culture and power; To can understand and think about moral and ethical problem
The best answer everyone has got into trouble, then you need most is other people to give you help. If everyone is given their love, will no longer see others do not anxious to help the oboro face. We should take them for example, ready to help others
He said the PLA lei feng! He should become our example, although very young by the accident gave his life, but he lived a great life and died a glorious! Lei feng's uncle have many reminders of nice, like seats, that can have is the norm.
- 1高中化学必修2化学反应的速率与限度
- 21×2分之一+2×3分之一+3×4分之一+4×5分之一……+2001×2002分之一
- 3高二语文学哪些内容
- 57下数学题:【(x的平方—1)分之(x的平方+x—2)】除以【1+(1分之x的平方+2x)】
- 6(2006•河南)刻度尺、弹簧测力计、温度计等都是带刻度的测量工具,使用前都要观察刻度上每大格和每小格表示的数值,以便在测量过程中能够_.
- 7求教:初三一元二次方程解答题
- 8为什么经度范围是67.5°W向东到180,我觉得是64°W向东到180,其他的都会
- 9做轴对称图形
- 101,4,5,6用加减乘除的计算方法使结果等于24
- 1将“清风吹了过来” 改成比喻句.
- 2影响中国近代化进程的主要原因
- 3I will be back 中back是什么词性?
- 4manage depend burn know art
- 5将一个物体以速度v水平抛出,当物体的竖直位移是水平位移的两倍时,所经历的时间为( ) A.vg B.v2g C.2vg D.4vg
- 6he is the man who i served yesterday.该怎么划分主谓宾定
- 7只要走一步,看来象是朝同一方向多走了一小步,真理就会变成错误
- 8菜场里的萝卜和青菜共有240千克,萝卜的重量与青菜的比是5;3,菜场里有萝卜多少千克?
- 9细胞分裂使细胞数量不断增加对还是错
- 10以椭圆x2/12+y2/3=1的焦点为焦点,经过直线x-y+9=0上一点,且离心率最大的椭圆方程