Jules Verne was born in 1828.He wasn`t a scientist,but he read many books about science and wrote some exciting stories.He thought one day scientists and inventors would do the things in his stories seemed to be fairy tales.But many years later,many of the things really came ture.
His famous book is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.There was no submarunes in those days,but he wrote about an underwater ship.it was like a midern submarine.the men in the submarine in the book had many strange journeys and found many strange things.
Jules Verne was born in 1828.He wasn`t a scientist,but he read many books about science and wrote some exciting stories.He thought one day scientists and inventors would do the things in his stories seemed to be fairy tales.But many years later,many of the things really came ture.
His famous book is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.There was no submarunes in those days,but he wrote about an underwater ship.it was like a midern submarine.the men in the submarine in the book had many strange journeys and found many strange things.
Jules Verne出生在1828年.他不是一个科学家,但他读过许多有关科学的书,也写过一些激动人心的故事.他觉得有一天科学家和发明家们会做他故事里的那些东西像童话一样不可思议.但许多年过后,许多事正的成为了事实.他的一...
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- 3设f(x)是连续函数,F(x)是f(x)的原函数,则( ) A.当f(x)是奇函数时,F(x)必是偶函数 B.当f(x)是偶函数时,F(x)必是奇函数 C.当f(x)是周期函数时,F(x)必是周期函
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- 51 The n_____ "Gone with the wind " is famous all over the world.
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- 9某工程,甲队独干30天完成,乙队独干20天完成,
- 10《装在信封里的小太阳》阅读题.