人工勿机译,英翻中译,主题what was i about to tell you
【What was i about to tell you】
what was i about to tell you?why did i forget?
and why i don't remember the words i wanted to say?
when i'm in front of yours eyes .
why i don't say to you
all the things i'm feeling
someone tell him that i love him.
and that his love makes me .
confused when i'm beside him.
his love in my heart is confusing me .
and i reman silent.
this is how i feel when i'm with him.
i could hot live after you (without you).
what has happend to me
my heart is so confused with you .
i feel things for you.
i'm preoccupied about you.
and i hope i could live with you.
【What was i about to tell you】
what was i about to tell you?why did i forget?
and why i don't remember the words i wanted to say?
when i'm in front of yours eyes .
why i don't say to you
all the things i'm feeling
someone tell him that i love him.
and that his love makes me .
confused when i'm beside him.
his love in my heart is confusing me .
and i reman silent.
this is how i feel when i'm with him.
i could hot live after you (without you).
what has happend to me
my heart is so confused with you .
i feel things for you.
i'm preoccupied about you.
and i hope i could live with you.
【What was i about to tell you】我本想告诉你what was i about to tell you?why did i forget?我本想告诉你什么?为什么我忘却了?and why i don't remember the words i wanted to say?为什么我记不起那些想说的话?...
- 1抛物线y=ax²+bx+c的对称轴是直线x=1,与x轴交于A(-2,0),顶点到x轴的距离为2,求抛物线的表达式
- 2甲数比乙数多25%,甲数是乙数的百分之几?乙数比甲数少百分之几?乙数是甲数的百分之几?
- 3一根电话线,第一次用去5分之4米,第二次用去余下的5分之4,两次共用去2米.这根电话线全长多少米?
- 4物体做初速度为零的匀加速直线运动,加速度a=1m/s²,求
- 5佳佳有96枚邮票,比冬冬的3倍多12,冬冬有多少枚 列出方程并解答哦
- 6和car发音相同的单词
- 7照样子写词语风平浪静
- 8一个圆形,半径是3米,现在半径增家1米,面积大约增加多少?(保留整数)
- 9意大利语数字表达
- 10“小小竹排江中游,巍巍青山两岸走”这歌词中“竹排江中游”是以_为参照物,“青山两岸走”是以_为参照物.
- 1看了使人害怕之意的成语
- 2怎么用鸡蛋做不倒翁(我没橡皮泥)
- 3请问山地自行车的速别是什么意思?(21速 24速 27速)
- 4机敏的小偷逃脱了警察的追捕 修改病句
- 5平面直角坐标系中第一三象限内的点组成的集合用描述法表示
- 6一根不可伸长的柔软轻绳跨过光定滑轮,相同的两个小球A,B系于绳的两端,A球穿在固定的光滑的竖直杆上.
- 7如图 C是线段AB上一点,三角形ADC和三角形BCE为等边三角形,AE,DC交Q,BD CE交P,CF垂
- 8It is better to be on the safe side怎么译
- 9四分之一加五分之一等于二十分之九,五分之一加六分之一等于三十分之十一,六分之一加七分之一等于
- 10设关于x的一元二次方程x2+2ax+b2=0.若a是从区间[0,3]任取一个数,b是从区间[0,2]任取一个数,上述方程有实根的概率是( ) A.14 B.12 C.34 D.23