六年级英语作文:Our English Class Rules
三个问题(必答)1.What must we do in our English class?2.What mustn't we do in our English class?3.Why shall we have these rules n our English class?没有语法错误,用上谚语开头:As we all know,nothing can be accomplished without rules,sowe have rules in our English class.中间的连词要用:for example ,and also,in addition.
三个问题(必答)1.What must we do in our English class?2.What mustn't we do in our English class?3.Why shall we have these rules n our English class?没有语法错误,用上谚语开头:As we all know,nothing can be accomplished without rules,sowe have rules in our English class.中间的连词要用:for example ,and also,in addition.
As we all know,nothing can be accomplished without rules,some have rules in our English class.We have be attentive in class,always pay attention to what the teachers say .The only way to learn English is to use it,since there are not much opportunities outside the class for us to use English,it is crucial that only English is allowed in class.( if not a fine will be imposed) Furthermore,respect towards teachers is important too,no whispering should be allowed when the teacher is speaking.Last but not least,we must always hand in homework assigned to the teachers on time,without any delay.
- 1一项工程,甲单独做20天完成,乙单独做10天完成,现在由乙先独做几天后,剩下的部分由甲独做,先后共干12天完成,问乙做了几天?
- 2书是知识的宝库,储藏着无穷无尽的精神食粮 这句话的理解
- 3桂林山水甲天下的“甲”是什么意思?
- 4经试验,单质A是金属能从甲物质中置换出单质B,1 如果A是金属,B是非金属,那B是 2如果A是非金属,B是金属
- 5-3/4x-6=0和1/5(x-15)=1/2-1/3(x+7)
- 6已知x=2 y=1是关于x.y的二元一次方程组ax+by=7 ax-by=1的解,求出a-b=————
- 7地理气候上高温多雨与炎热多雨有何区别
- 8已知A(1,1)B(3,-1)C(4,3)(1)若A,B,C三点共线,求a,b的关系式(2)若AC的向量=2倍的AB的向量,求点C的坐标
- 9上面斌 下面贝 读什么?
- 10一年级有男生120人,比女生少9分之1,问女生有多少人?
- 1各位大哥大姐帮个忙,我马上要去拜年,可寒假乐园还没写掉,就是上面有两个人在堆雪人的,江苏人民出版社的,(寒假乐园)编写组编著,十万火急的!(2009——2010学期的).
- 2中西方的人类的起源的神话传说
- 3已知函数f(x)=X+a/X(a属于R),g(X)=InX
- 4d o l l 能组成什么单词
- 5sound和voice之间的区别是什么?
- 6一个凸n边形,问内角小于108度的至少有几个
- 7有有理数-3,0.1,-(-1.5),2,0,π,1/3,-8,有理数m个,自然数n个,分数k个,m-n-k的值为什么答案
- 8求新世纪英语高二第二学期第二课课文
- 91甲数4.5 比乙数的的15%多2.5 乙是多少?
- 10根据句意,用适当的介词填空