社会发展很快人们过去使用信件和公用电话交流,但现在人们更多的使用于手机和因特网.请你谈谈变化,举例说明变化带来的好处.词数 80 要原创、、、、、、、、、、、、、、
社会发展很快人们过去使用信件和公用电话交流,但现在人们更多的使用于手机和因特网.请你谈谈变化,举例说明变化带来的好处.词数 80 要原创、、、、、、、、、、、、、、
nowadays,people can communicate with others by using the cell phone and the internet,while in 30 years ago,mails and communal phones are in the dominant position.with the development of the society and the rapid increment of social value,it brought a lot great advantages.
in the first place,it is much more convenient for people around the world.it made things more personal and private.with the cell phone,we can talk to others in a secret way without let any other people overhear what is going on.
secondly,it enormously increase the amount of information that we impart to others.we can put lots of things in key board or have a long talk to others by the cell phone,which seems impossible for both the mails and communal phones.because there are always lots of people wait to use the phone,so people often had a time restriction,which means there is no right to stick up with the phone for a lnog time; and for mails,we all know it is often harder to write than to speak it up,so the information is also sadly little compared to cells and internet.
in the first place,it is much more convenient for people around the world.it made things more personal and private.with the cell phone,we can talk to others in a secret way without let any other people overhear what is going on.
secondly,it enormously increase the amount of information that we impart to others.we can put lots of things in key board or have a long talk to others by the cell phone,which seems impossible for both the mails and communal phones.because there are always lots of people wait to use the phone,so people often had a time restriction,which means there is no right to stick up with the phone for a lnog time; and for mails,we all know it is often harder to write than to speak it up,so the information is also sadly little compared to cells and internet.
- 1因式分解 n1.n2x^2+(n1.n2+m1.m2)xy+m1.m2y
- 2Does she likes salad哪里错了,哪个单词错了
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- 5已知:我市出租车收费标准如下:乘车里程不超过3千米的一律收费7元,乘车里程超过3千米的,除了收费7元外
- 6问a为何值是,函数f(x)=x^3-3X+a有三个零点,二个零点,一个零点?
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- 8Men and women born in the
- 9五年级上册的古诗词、日积月累
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- 1猜成语大全
- 2下列有关细胞的结构与功能的叙述,正确的是( )
- 3She said she was flying to Shanghai next weekend He told me he would call his brother tomorrow
- 4原文 曾子之妻之市,其子随之而泣.其母曰:“女还,顾反为女杀彘.”妻适市来,曾子欲捕彘杀之.
- 5the idea is widely accepted ----------we will rely on in the future may be solar energy?
- 6在等边三角形ABC中,D是三角形ABC外一点,且角BDC=120度,连接AD,求证:AD=BD+CD
- 74(NH4)2SO4=N2+6NH3+3SO+SO3+7H2O
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- 9今天试卷出了一题:东八区(北京时间)16日18时56分,西五区(纽约时间)是什么时候?是不是16日5时56分?
- 10蒸腾作用和温度湿度和光照程度的关系