English names and Chinese are quite different in some( 1 )ways,but it's not hard for us to konw.
Unlike Chinese,most English people have(2 )names.One is their family name,both of the other names are given names.Their fanily name is ( 3)the given name.They use Mr,Mrs or Miss with the ( 4)name,but they never use( 5)with the first name.For exam-ple,we can( 6)a man named James Allan Green Mr Green,( 7)we can't call him Mr James or Mr Allan.People usually use Jim( 8)James.Jim is short for James because it's ( 9)to remember.
But Chinese names are the opposite.A girl with the name( 10)her family name Han first.Of course,she can be called Ah Mei for short in China if you wish.
English names and Chinese are quite different in some( 1 )ways,but it's not hard for us to konw.
Unlike Chinese,most English people have(2 )names.One is their family name,both of the other names are given names.Their fanily name is ( 3)the given name.They use Mr,Mrs or Miss with the ( 4)name,but they never use( 5)with the first name.For exam-ple,we can( 6)a man named James Allan Green Mr Green,( 7)we can't call him Mr James or Mr Allan.People usually use Jim( 8)James.Jim is short for James because it's ( 9)to remember.
But Chinese names are the opposite.A girl with the name( 10)her family name Han first.Of course,she can be called Ah Mei for short in China if you wish.
- 1“长右”一词当中,“长”应该念‘chāng’还是‘zhǎng’
- 2电解水试验的的宏观现象 正极 负极 现象 结论
- 3由于()、()和(),目前60%的大陆面临淡水资源不足,100多个国家严重缺水,其中最严重的国家达40多个.
- 4已知条件p:|x-2|>2-x,q:x>a,若p是q的充分不必要条件,求a的取值范围
- 5下列哪种情况不会产生电磁波( ) A.灯泡正常发光时 B.开灯的那一瞬间 C.关灯的那一瞬间 D.使用电吹风时
- 6《清平月.六盘山》中的“长缨”指什么?
- 7一个学生用100N的力,将静止在球场的质量为1kg的足球,以15m/s的速度踢出20m远,则该学生对足球做的功为( ) A.1800J B.2000J C.112.5J D.无法确定
- 8美国华盛顿的简介景点之类的.(英文)带中文翻译.
- 91.52g 铜镁合金完全溶解于50mL 密度为1.40g/mL,质量分数为63%的浓硝酸中
- 101、某商品按20%的利润定价,然后打9折卖出,结果获利64元,求商品的成本是多少?
- 1英语翻译
- 2二次根式有哪些性质
- 3若m+n=p+q,m n p q ∈N* ,在等差数列中有am+an=ap+aq,那在等比数列中呢?
- 4一本英语书共98页,张力读了一周(7天)还没读完,而李永不到一周就已读完.李永平均每天比张力多读3页,求张力平均每天读多少页?(答案取整数)
- 5什么是磁场力的方向
- 6小明打电话只知道电话号码是一个五位数,五个数的和能被3整除,最后一位不是0,中间三个数是888
- 7那英的always friends是想表达什么情感
- 8潘多拉的盒子有什么故事?
- 9五位裁判员给一位歌唱演员评分,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分平均得9.58分;去掉一个最高分平均得9.46分;去掉一个最低分平均得9.66分.这名歌唱演员的最高分与最低分相差_分.
- 10What is the most expensive meal listed on the menu?