英语句子排列 ( )I eat breakfast and go to school in the morning.
( )Mom is very happy on that day.
( )I usually get up early and clean the house on my mother's birthday.
( )I play the piano for my mother,and buy a gift for her.
( )We go to the cinema in the evening.
( )After school,dad and I go shopping and buy a gift for my mom.
( )Then we eat a big birthday cake together.
( )We wait for my mother coming back
( )Mom is very happy on that day.
( )I usually get up early and clean the house on my mother's birthday.
( )I play the piano for my mother,and buy a gift for her.
( )We go to the cinema in the evening.
( )After school,dad and I go shopping and buy a gift for my mom.
( )Then we eat a big birthday cake together.
( )We wait for my mother coming back
如下 ( 2 )I eat breakfast and go to school in the morning.( 8 )Mom is very happy on that day.( 1 )I usually get up early and clean the house on my mother's birthday.( 6)I play the piano for my...
- 1乌云和暴雨,从天空倾泻而下,修改病句
- 2妈妈带了30.5元去买文具,笔记本2元一本钢笔5元一枝可以买多少本笔记本和多少支钢笔,还剩多少钱,
- 3把12345678填在方格里,使每条线上的三个数的和都等于15
- 4His story always makes us____(feel) happy.
- 5为什么体温计的最小分度值可以是0.1摄氏度
- 63行3列方格表中每个空格中分别填上1,2,3,这三个数中任何一个,使得每行每列及对角线上各个数的和互不相同?
- 7什么是过去完成时被动时态?
- 8某有机物的分子式为C7H16,当主链有5个碳原子时,应有哪几种同分异构体
- 9有一种饮料瓶的瓶身呈圆柱形,容积是600立方厘米.现在瓶中装一些饮料,正放时,饮料的高度为25厘米;倒放时,空余部分的高度为5厘米.瓶内现有饮料多少立方厘米?
- 10一个地方,它北方是北半球,南方是南半球,东方是东半球,西方是西半球,这个位置在地球仪的什么什么位置
- 1水和二氧化碳反应生成碳酸的反应是放热还是吸热?
- 2We have three classes in the afternoon. 翻译一下
- 3想问一下人口为12500人,人均生活废水产生量以90公斤/人.天测算,年产生生活污水多少万吨?生产污水处理站运行负荷85%,年生活污水处理量达到多少万吨,按指标计算公式,生活污水处理率达?%请把如何计
- 4计算:(-1)-[1-(1-1/2*1/3)]*6
- 5机械厂前3天平均每天加工零件90只,后4天共加工零件500只,平均每天加工多少只?
- 6What interesting work!这个句子对吗?
- 7修改一些病句
- 8这句话对吗 有语法错的么.the most success thing i think
- 9初中英语固定短语
- 10助动词后要加什么?