Where is spring?
Only get one job done today and it spent me just 2 hours on it,still not busy with my work in the office.
We have got a warning of winter storm watch since yesterday and it’s starting now,and it’s supposed to last to tomorrow night,maybe 15-20cm again this time.We have had tons of snow already on the ground so far of this winter season; it’s really enough and too much!It’s good for everyone in the office as tomorrow is Saturday and no body needs to work.Anyway,I got be careful after work when I drive to home on the road and make sure I get rid of all this snow and cold weather by the first of April!
Only get one job done today and it spent me just 2 hours on it,still not busy with my work in the office.
We have got a warning of winter storm watch since yesterday and it’s starting now,and it’s supposed to last to tomorrow night,maybe 15-20cm again this time.We have had tons of snow already on the ground so far of this winter season; it’s really enough and too much!It’s good for everyone in the office as tomorrow is Saturday and no body needs to work.Anyway,I got be careful after work when I drive to home on the road and make sure I get rid of all this snow and cold weather by the first of April!
- 1如何简单快捷地延长高功率锌锰干电池的寿命?
- 2配制浓度 2% 水杨酸
- 3两根等长的绳子AB和BC静止吊一重物P,两绳子与水
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- 5指出下列句子中的通假字,并写出这个字通假的字.
- 6小丽和哥哥共有课外书180本,已知哥哥比小丽多108本,两人各有几本课外书?
- 7the first of October是什么意思
- 82012广东高考英语语法填空答案疑问
- 9某学校组织学生暑假夏利营活动.活动时间为5天这五天的日期之和为70,则学生应几号从学校出发几号回到学校
- 10一根钢材长5米,把它锯成每段长50厘米,需要3/5小时,如果锯成每段长100厘米的钢段,要_小时.
- 1定积分∫(下限为1,上限为e)ln²x dx等于多少?
- 2一个直角三角形边长都是正整数,一条直角边比斜边小1575,另一条直角边小于1900,求这直角三角形斜边边长?
- 3若函数y=sinx的图象上的每个点的纵坐标不变,将横坐标缩小为原来的13,再将图象沿x轴向右平移π3个单位,则新图象对应的函数式是( ) A.y=-sin3x B.y=sin(13x+π3) C.y
- 4what do you think of等于how is you like吗?
- 51+2-3-4+5+6-7-8+9+10-11-12+13+14-15-16的简便运算,
- 6四年级下册语文第3单元作文
- 7人与动物和谐共处的作文300
- 8水浒中 病关索、病尉迟、旱地忽律三个绰号怎么解释?
- 9有一群人野外考察时在森林里迷失了方向,他们没有带指南针,当天是阴天看不见太阳,帮他们想个办法确定方向吗
- 10计算 (a分之一+b分之一)的完全平方除以(a的平方分之一减去b的平方分之一