定语从句引导词from where 的用法
from where 引导的定语从句
1、Soon after getting off his horse,the captain appeared at the second storey windows,from where he could see nothing but trees.下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了.他从那里除了树木什么也没看到.(引导定语从句)
划线部分相当于…,and from at the windows…不可变为from which…,可用where,但不如用from where更具体.
2、She climbed up to the top of the hill,from where she could have a good view of the whole town.她登上山顶,从那里她可以一览全城风光.(引导定语从句)
划线部分相当于…,and from on the top of the hill或from on the top of which…,不可变为from which,也可直接用where引导,但语义较为含糊,不如用from where更加生动、形象、具体.
3、We went up to the roof ,from where we had a good view of the procession.我们爬到屋顶,在那儿我们可以一览整个行进队伍.(引导定语从句)
划线部分可理解为and from on the top of the roof或from on the top of which,用from which是不对的,直接用where仍显不具体,不形象.
4、China is the birth place of kites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan,Korea,Thailand and India.中国是风筝的故乡,在那里风筝传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度.
这里from正与下文的spread to构成一个整体,可理解为from near/around this place,如若把from where换为where显然是讲不通的,改成from which,能够讲得通,但不太符合英语习惯.
5、The car stopped suddenly only a few inches from where I stood.那辆小汽车就在我站的地方仅几英寸处忽然停下了.(引导状语从句)这里的划线部分中where引导的是宾语从句,与from一起作地点状语从句.
1、Soon after getting off his horse,the captain appeared at the second storey windows,from where he could see nothing but trees.下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了.他从那里除了树木什么也没看到.(引导定语从句)
划线部分相当于…,and from at the windows…不可变为from which…,可用where,但不如用from where更具体.
2、She climbed up to the top of the hill,from where she could have a good view of the whole town.她登上山顶,从那里她可以一览全城风光.(引导定语从句)
划线部分相当于…,and from on the top of the hill或from on the top of which…,不可变为from which,也可直接用where引导,但语义较为含糊,不如用from where更加生动、形象、具体.
3、We went up to the roof ,from where we had a good view of the procession.我们爬到屋顶,在那儿我们可以一览整个行进队伍.(引导定语从句)
划线部分可理解为and from on the top of the roof或from on the top of which,用from which是不对的,直接用where仍显不具体,不形象.
4、China is the birth place of kites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan,Korea,Thailand and India.中国是风筝的故乡,在那里风筝传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度.
这里from正与下文的spread to构成一个整体,可理解为from near/around this place,如若把from where换为where显然是讲不通的,改成from which,能够讲得通,但不太符合英语习惯.
5、The car stopped suddenly only a few inches from where I stood.那辆小汽车就在我站的地方仅几英寸处忽然停下了.(引导状语从句)这里的划线部分中where引导的是宾语从句,与from一起作地点状语从句.
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- 2祝你新年快乐,工作顺利,用英语怎么说?
- 3整式x-1与x+5的积为x的平方+px+q(p,q为常数),则一元一次方程x的平方+px+q=0的根
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- 7函数Y=LG乘以X的平方减4的定义域
- 8用硬纸板做一个长方体的盒子,长10厘米,宽8厘米,高15厘米,做10这个盒子至少要多少平方厘米的硬纸板?
- 9若x+2(m-3)x+16是关于x的完全平方式,则m=
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- 11.There are many people in the park on Sunday.
- 2求赞美党员的优美句子.、
- 3never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!请帮我分析此句语法,
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- 6把一个陵长为1米的正方体表面图上色后,再把它分割成1分米的小正方体小正方体中只有一面涂绿色的有多少个
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- 9有一个鸡蛋,三个三个数,四个四个数,五个五个数都正好数完,这筐鸡蛋最少是多少
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