1.I have a happy winter vacation.I stay at home and go to the countryside during the summer vacation.
At home,I do my homework.I watch TV,too.I love English Today.Because I like English very much.I also like “Tell it like it is”.I watch them everyday.Sometimes I play the computer.I can watch MV and learn English on the computer.I often clean my room.
I live in the countryside with my grandpa and my grandma.They are both sixty years old.In the countryside,I can do many interesting thing there.I play with dog.The dog is cute.I like fishing with my fiends.I really feel happy living in the countryside.
2.The winter holiday is coming.I'm relaxed all the day.But I feel boring.I think that I should make a plan for my holiday as soon as possible.
I got up at half past seven today.Then I brushed my teeth in the washroom and had breakfast in the dining room.As a saying goes,"The early bird catches the worm."So I always get up early.
From eight to nine,I went out to bought some food with my mother.There were many vegetables in the market.And there were lots of people in it.At about half past nine in the morning,I did my homework in my study until twelve.
Although my holiday is busy,it's very happy.
At home,I do my homework.I watch TV,too.I love English Today.Because I like English very much.I also like “Tell it like it is”.I watch them everyday.Sometimes I play the computer.I can watch MV and learn English on the computer.I often clean my room.
I live in the countryside with my grandpa and my grandma.They are both sixty years old.In the countryside,I can do many interesting thing there.I play with dog.The dog is cute.I like fishing with my fiends.I really feel happy living in the countryside.
2.The winter holiday is coming.I'm relaxed all the day.But I feel boring.I think that I should make a plan for my holiday as soon as possible.
I got up at half past seven today.Then I brushed my teeth in the washroom and had breakfast in the dining room.As a saying goes,"The early bird catches the worm."So I always get up early.
From eight to nine,I went out to bought some food with my mother.There were many vegetables in the market.And there were lots of people in it.At about half past nine in the morning,I did my homework in my study until twelve.
Although my holiday is busy,it's very happy.
- 1一根绳子长24米,剪去6米,剩下的占全长的几分之几
- 23件羊毛衫和4件衬衣的总价450元,一件羊毛衫比一件衬衣贵45元,每件羊毛衫X元
- 3甲、乙两人进行百米赛跑,当甲到达终点时,乙在甲后20米;如两人各自的速度不变,要使甲、乙两人同时到达终点,甲的起跑线应比原来后移多少米( ) A.20 B.24 C.25 D.30
- 4一个搬运工1000只玻璃杯子,得到运费26元,搬运中打碎了多少杯子?(解方程)
- 5五年级下册语文第一单元作文怎么写?500字以上
- 6在平行四边形ABCD中,下列结论正确的是 ①向量AB=向量CD ②向量AD+向量AB=向量AC ③向量AB+向量DA=向量BD
- 7写出8个既是奇数又是合数的数?
- 8化学基础练习
- 9呼吸作用最重要的意义在于
- 10化简【1】-9y+6x的平方+3【y-三分之二x的平方】 【2】5【a的平方b-3ab的平方】-2【a的平方b-7ab的平方】
- 1数轴上一动点A向左移动2各单位长度到达B,再想右移动5个单位长度到达点C.若C点表示的数为1 则点A表示的数是多少?A C两点间的距离是多少?
- 2阅读短文 做阅读
- 3溶质质量分数分别为a%和5a%的H2SO4溶液按等体积混合均匀后,混合溶液中H2SO4的质量分数为( ) A.30% B.6a% C.>3a% D.<3a%
- 4已知抛物线y^2=-x与直线y=k(x+1)相交于A.B两点 1.求证OA垂直OB 2.当三角形OAB面积为根号10时,求k
- 5小明每5天去图书馆借一次书,小芳每3天去一次.如果2012年8月6日两人同时去了图书馆借书,那么下一次他们同时去图书馆是在什么时候?
- 62011六年级下册暑假生活指导(人教版)第3.16页词语乐园怎么做
- 7tht math problem is so difficult the i cannot work it ou用英文解释
- 8某一函数经过(-1,2)且函数y的值随自变量x的增大而增大,请写一个符合上述条件的函数关系式_.
- 9在一道有余数的除法算式里,商是18,余数是9,被除数与除数的和是199,除数是多少
- 10《七律长征》中具体写典型战斗场景的句子是什么