Last summer,my family and I went to Hawaii for a holiday!
We flew across the Pacific to the tiny island from Beijing.
After we booked into a hotel,we rested.
Our fun started the next day and lasted for two long weeks.
During our time there,we ate delicious exotic food and drank numerous fruit juices.
The Hawaiians are very proud of their unique food,often 'spiced up' with slices of juicy pineapple and strings of delicious cheese.
There were also fantastic beaches right accoss the tiny atoll.
The water was sparkling blue and the sand dunes radiated with an inviting warmth of gold.
The place was wonderful and the locals were really nice; I really enjoyed my holiday.
Last summer,my family and I went to Hawaii for a holiday!
We flew across the Pacific to the tiny island from Beijing.
After we booked into a hotel,we rested.
Our fun started the next day and lasted for two long weeks.
During our time there,we ate delicious exotic food and drank numerous fruit juices.
The Hawaiians are very proud of their unique food,often 'spiced up' with slices of juicy pineapple and strings of delicious cheese.
There were also fantastic beaches right accoss the tiny atoll.
The water was sparkling blue and the sand dunes radiated with an inviting warmth of gold.
The place was wonderful and the locals were really nice; I really enjoyed my holiday.
- 1H3PO4,H4SiO4,HCl,H2SO4哪一种在分类上与其它不同?为什么?
- 2I ____ up smoking,but he did not listen to me
- 3“呆在家”中的呆与“待在家”中的待有什么区别?
- 4高速公路上大客车最快限速多少啊?
- 5牛奶保鲜时间因储藏温度不同而不同,假定时间与温度为指数函数.若牛奶放在0 C(C为摄氏度)的冰箱,保险时间约192h,而在22 C的厨房中约42h!
- 6一个简单不能再简单的数学题
- 7电石和水反应为什么不是原电池
- 8在汉语里面,当一个词语(俩字)中两个字的声调相同的时候,应该降低哪个字的声调进行朗读?例如“萎靡wěi mǐ”应该读作“wěi mí”还是“wéi mǐ”?
- 9在括号里填上正确的反义词
- 10发出耀眼的白光,放出大量的热,生成一种白色固体是镁在空气中燃烧还是镁在氧气中燃烧?
- 11/x-86-1/x-87=1/x-89-1/x-90的解是什么
- 2李阿姨和张大妈一起去买水果,李阿姨买2千克苹果和3千克梨用去28元,张大妈买2千克苹果和5千克梨用去40元,没千克苹果和梨多少元?
- 3把6L的水倒入一个长2.宽2分米,高3分米的长方体玻璃容器内,水面离容器口还有多少厘米?
- 4急.
- 5如图所示是小明制作的一只模拟调光灯.电源电压为3V,小灯泡额定电压为2.5V.闭合开关,回形针在铅笔芯最右端时,灯泡两端的电压为0.6V,流过灯泡的电流为0.1A.向左移动回形针,小灯
- 6When you moe somewhere new,the first thing for you is to find a place______.
- 7碳酸氢钙为什么这样子写啊
- 8在四边形ABCD中,角A+角D=180,角C—角D=26,角A=角C,求角B角C的度数
- 9关于数量级
- 10橘逾淮为枳中晏子用怎样的语气反驳了楚王?