The population problem is largest problem in the world.There are still more and more babies born.But when they are born,they don’t have enough food to eat because the land is less and less.As the population is growing,the natural resources are decreasing ,the trees are decreasing ,the animals are decreasing ,everything is decreasing.In the end,there will be nothing for people to live on the earth.China has the largest population in the world.The number is about 1.3billion.the government has pursued one family,one child.But if the babies become fewer,there will be another challenge to china---there will be more and more old people.So the country has to spend more money on them,it must affect china’s economy.That’s really a serious problem.BUT Although there will be many problem if we control the population growth.There will be more problem if we don’t control it.So we must try our best to stop the population from growing and make our world more beautiful中文翻译
The population problem is largest problem in the world.There are still more and more babies born.But when they are born,they don’t have enough food to eat because the land is less and less.As the population is growing,the natural resources are decreasing ,the trees are decreasing ,the animals are decreasing ,everything is decreasing.In the end,there will be nothing for people to live on the earth.China has the largest population in the world.The number is about 1.3billion.the government has pursued one family,one child.But if the babies become fewer,there will be another challenge to china---there will be more and more old people.So the country has to spend more money on them,it must affect china’s economy.That’s really a serious problem.BUT Although there will be many problem if we control the population growth.There will be more problem if we don’t control it.So we must try our best to stop the population from growing and make our world more beautiful中文翻译
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