Help me!
1.Mary said she didn't like the color of the dress,but_____ I thought it was very good.
A.happily B.totally C.personally D.truly
2.You need warm clothes to _____you from the cold.
A.prevent B.keep C.stop D.protect
3.FIFA holds the World Football Cup_____.
A.every four year B.for four years C.every forth year D.each four years
4.The madicine he had taken _____the blood.
A.has bad effect on B.had a bad effect on C.has a bad effect on D.had bad effect on
Thank you!
1.Mary said she didn't like the color of the dress,but_____ I thought it was very good.
A.happily B.totally C.personally D.truly
2.You need warm clothes to _____you from the cold.
A.prevent B.keep C.stop D.protect
3.FIFA holds the World Football Cup_____.
A.every four year B.for four years C.every forth year D.each four years
4.The madicine he had taken _____the blood.
A.has bad effect on B.had a bad effect on C.has a bad effect on D.had bad effect on
Thank you!
1.Mary said she didn't like the color of the dress,but__c___ I thought it was very good. A.happily B.totally C.personally D.truly 2.You need warm clothes to ___d__you from the cold. A.prevent B.keep C...
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