'Twas the Night Before Christmas
By Debra Coe
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,not even a mouse
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
With thoughts of St.Nicholas and what he'd bring there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
Without a moment of bowing their heads.
The scriptures were thrown on the shelves without care.
Little hope of remembering the precious words there.
And I with the tinsel and Ma with the lights
Had prepared for Christmas with no thoughts of Christ.
We had snowmen and elves and of course Santa Claus.
We thought we had decorated without any flaws.
For weeks we'd prepared with lots of traditions,
Cards of course and so much work in the kitchen.
We'd been to parties galore all dressed up in frills
And spent hours at stores to get the best deals.
The lights on the house were all flashing with fun
Lots of presents under the tree; we thought we were done.
We thought not of the needy,nor help to a stranger,
We thought not of the poor,and not of a manger.
No angels were singing in our house that night
We hadn't invited them so none were in sight.
The real spirit of Christmas was absent as well.
For only Christ's spirit will make our hearts swell.
And I wondered that Christmas how it could be
That the Christmas spirit wasn't stronger in me
Why Christmas didn't seem as it was in the past
Why Christmas just came and went by very fast.
When out of my wondering mind did appear.
Some scriptures I'd learned as a child so dear.
Of a loving kind Father who gave His own Son
God saw all our needs and chose Christ as the one.
Christ has the power to serve us so well
Healing the things that can lead to spiritual jail
I could change if I wanted with eyes that could see
"Come Follow Me," was His only plea.
I decided to change and begged forgiveness please
And asked how to serve Him while down on my knees
Serve others and do it as if unto Him
Was the answer I heard in the sound of a hymn
I rushed from my bed and I got scriptures for all.
So we could start Christmas just right after all.
So Christmas day we planed for the months yet to come
Of people we'd serve and we talked of the fun
Now Angels are singing in our home today
We finally invited them to come our way.
And Christmas is lasting the whole long year through,
With scriptures,prayer and devotion His spirit grew.
By Debra Coe
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,not even a mouse
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
With thoughts of St.Nicholas and what he'd bring there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
Without a moment of bowing their heads.
The scriptures were thrown on the shelves without care.
Little hope of remembering the precious words there.
And I with the tinsel and Ma with the lights
Had prepared for Christmas with no thoughts of Christ.
We had snowmen and elves and of course Santa Claus.
We thought we had decorated without any flaws.
For weeks we'd prepared with lots of traditions,
Cards of course and so much work in the kitchen.
We'd been to parties galore all dressed up in frills
And spent hours at stores to get the best deals.
The lights on the house were all flashing with fun
Lots of presents under the tree; we thought we were done.
We thought not of the needy,nor help to a stranger,
We thought not of the poor,and not of a manger.
No angels were singing in our house that night
We hadn't invited them so none were in sight.
The real spirit of Christmas was absent as well.
For only Christ's spirit will make our hearts swell.
And I wondered that Christmas how it could be
That the Christmas spirit wasn't stronger in me
Why Christmas didn't seem as it was in the past
Why Christmas just came and went by very fast.
When out of my wondering mind did appear.
Some scriptures I'd learned as a child so dear.
Of a loving kind Father who gave His own Son
God saw all our needs and chose Christ as the one.
Christ has the power to serve us so well
Healing the things that can lead to spiritual jail
I could change if I wanted with eyes that could see
"Come Follow Me," was His only plea.
I decided to change and begged forgiveness please
And asked how to serve Him while down on my knees
Serve others and do it as if unto Him
Was the answer I heard in the sound of a hymn
I rushed from my bed and I got scriptures for all.
So we could start Christmas just right after all.
So Christmas day we planed for the months yet to come
Of people we'd serve and we talked of the fun
Now Angels are singing in our home today
We finally invited them to come our way.
And Christmas is lasting the whole long year through,
With scriptures,prayer and devotion His spirit grew.
- 1只有富有的人才能给予别人幸福,能给予就不贫穷.读了这句话,你有什么感想
- 2人体部位常用来比喻有事物或事理请你说出下列词语它们表示什么意思?
- 3设函数f= log2x -logx2 (0<X<1),数列《an》满足f(2的an次方)=2n n属于正整数 求an的通项
- 4代数式3x²-4x-5的值为7,则x²-34x-5的值是
- 5用砖砌墙,第一层(底层)用去了全部砖块的一半多一块,第二层用去了剩下的一半多一块,…,依此类推,每一层都用去了前一层剩下的一半多一块,如果到第9层恰好砖用光.那么,共用
- 6已知代数式ax的平方+px+q,当x=-1时,其值为4,当x=-1时,其值为0,
- 7数5、6、7、8、9……是连续的自然数,如果5个连续自然数的和是55,那么在它们后面的7个连续自然数的和是?
- 8The radio______by my father yesterday.
- 9四条线段首尾连接,所得的图形一定是平面图形吗?
- 10编可以组什么词