关于圣诞节 英语文章(50--100词)
My Chirstmas day
Although i am not one of the Christian faiths, i still have a wonderful day on Dec. 25th. I believe the most exciting and memorable activity happened on that day is my donation.
I had been celebrating Christmas for several years, though, i didn't make sense of the implication of this festival. All what i know is that i can ask parents for presents on the very day. However, my daddy changed my mind on how to celebrate this Christmas day this morning. He told me Christams day is a special day for Christianity, because it is a high time for them to express love and faith to their friends and all of people around them even including people suffering poverty and starving. Western people prefer giving involving donation or doing volunteer work, such as clearing the churchs, sweep snow on the streets and so on, to requesting gifts or greeting cards on that day. As a consequence, i decided to donate my pocket money to the Red Cross. Before submiting my donation to the Red Cross thought the Internet, i told my purpose to my parents. They said they were so proud of me and what i did was the best Christmas present they ever recieved.
Although i am not one of the Christian faiths, i still have a wonderful day on Dec. 25th. I believe the most exciting and memorable activity happened on that day is my donation.
I had been celebrating Christmas for several years, though, i didn't make sense of the implication of this festival. All what i know is that i can ask parents for presents on the very day. However, my daddy changed my mind on how to celebrate this Christmas day this morning. He told me Christams day is a special day for Christianity, because it is a high time for them to express love and faith to their friends and all of people around them even including people suffering poverty and starving. Western people prefer giving involving donation or doing volunteer work, such as clearing the churchs, sweep snow on the streets and so on, to requesting gifts or greeting cards on that day. As a consequence, i decided to donate my pocket money to the Red Cross. Before submiting my donation to the Red Cross thought the Internet, i told my purpose to my parents. They said they were so proud of me and what i did was the best Christmas present they ever recieved.
- 1甲骑自行车行12分钟后,乙骑摩托车追甲,在距出发点9千米处追上了甲.然后返回拿东西,然后又去追甲,追上甲
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- 3某数除以5余2,除以6余3,除以7余4.这个数至少是多少
- 4为什么“角色”的“角”读JUE,而“独角戏”的“角”又读作JIAO?
- 5写出同义句 the problem is too difficult for ue to solve.
- 6生物多样性与人类的关系
- 7我的一切成就都是用演讲取得的!怎么用英语翻译?
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- 2名人名言加赏析,要有赏析!
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- 4函数f(x)=sin2x+cos(2x-π/6)在区间[0,π/2]上的最大值及对应的x值.
- 522222222 (2 17:10:56)
- 6李老师要批改100本作文本,下午批改的作文本本数占总数的5分之2,剩下的晚上批改完.他晚上要批改多少
- 7已知双曲线过点P(4,1)且它的两条渐进线方程为X+2Y=0求双曲线的方程
- 8谁有伊索寓言的英文版?两篇就够
- 9The young man lost one legs because he drove carelessly,
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