switzerland is the place i most want to visit.
it is bordered by germany to the norht,france to the west italy to the south and austria to the east.
switzerland is one of most beautiful place in the earth which has become a dream destinatian for everyday including me.the climate there is largely responsible for making the country such a popular tourist destination.
the people there are also being well educated.there ara high standard of publicly-funed education famous universities include the university of zurich,university of berne.
the climate is continental,and the temperature is modified by winds off the atlantic ocean.winters are cold,while summers tend to be hot and sunny.
over 60% of the country is mountainous and a quarter of it is coverd in forests.
what i dream to do in switzerland is skiing.switzerland is a word ski resort.for example,the titlis is well-konwn for skiing.
small,mountainous and wealthy,with a population of just 7.5million,switzerland is renowned for its enviable quality of life.
it is bordered by germany to the norht,france to the west italy to the south and austria to the east.
switzerland is one of most beautiful place in the earth which has become a dream destinatian for everyday including me.the climate there is largely responsible for making the country such a popular tourist destination.
the people there are also being well educated.there ara high standard of publicly-funed education famous universities include the university of zurich,university of berne.
the climate is continental,and the temperature is modified by winds off the atlantic ocean.winters are cold,while summers tend to be hot and sunny.
over 60% of the country is mountainous and a quarter of it is coverd in forests.
what i dream to do in switzerland is skiing.switzerland is a word ski resort.for example,the titlis is well-konwn for skiing.
small,mountainous and wealthy,with a population of just 7.5million,switzerland is renowned for its enviable quality of life.
- 1填空
- 2顶角为150度的等腰三角形,腰长为20cm 则这个三角形的面积是多少?
- 3大数定律
- 4E=MC²是什么意思?
- 5走同一段路,甲用5分之1小时,乙用4分之1小时,甲、乙的时间比是多少?甲、乙的速度比是多少?
- 6英语翻译
- 7每根小棒长4cm,用16根小棒围成5个正方形(如图).现在只准移动4根小棒,使移动后的图形中出现两个周长都是32cm的正方形.请画出两种以上移动后的图形来.
- 8定义域在R的偶函数f(x)满足f(x)=f(x+2).当x属于【3,5】,f(x)=2—|x-4|
- 9一个儿童体内所含的水分有28千克,占体重的4/5.这个儿童的体重是多少千克?
- 10一位宇航员来到一颗未知星球上,资料给出该星球的半径为R,为估测该星球的质量,宇航员将一小球从距星球表面h高处自由释放,测出小球落到星球表面所用时间为t,已知引力常量G,求该星球质量
- 1我确信你能赢这场比赛、(be able to) 英文翻译
- 2用十六进制表示一个字节的无符号整数,最多需要( )
- 3卜者知其指意的以
- 4一根绳子,如果减去它的四分之一,还剩5米,如果减去四分之三米,还剩多少米?
- 5鉴别稀盐酸和带有盐酸根时,加入硝酸银产生白色沉淀后,为什么还要加稀硝酸
- 6如图所示的电路中,三个相同的灯泡a、b、c和电感L1、L2与直流电源连接,电感的电阻忽略不计.电键S从闭合状态突然断开时,下列判断正确的有( ) A.a先变亮,然后逐渐变暗 B.b先变亮
- 7判断下列向量组的线性相关性:(1,-1,0),(2,1,1),(1,3,-1)最好有过程
- 8成语杞人忧天、讳疾忌医、触目惊心、世代相承、的意思
- 9有一盆水和一个空盆,如果用两只分别能装500毫升和800毫升的瓶子,你能不能量出1100毫升的水?说出你的办法
- 107箱梨和3箱橘子共重135千克,同样的3箱梨和7箱橘子共重115千克,求每箱梨和每箱橘子?