being a volunteer is great
Being a volunteer is great!
Number 77 Hight School,is home to three very special young people:Li Huiping,Lan Pin,and Zhu Ming.There three students all volunteer their time to help other people.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week,so it is a a major commitment.Huiping loves to read,and she puts this love to good use,by working in the after-school care center,at her local elementary school.Here,she helps young children to read.Pei loves animals,and plans to study to be a veterinarian,when he leaves school.He spends very Saturday morning working in an animal hostital.Ming is a student.He wants to be a professonal singer.He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up."Volunteering is great!"say Huiping."Now only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do."Pei says he has learned wore about animal.Ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital.The three students plan to get up a student volunteer project at the their school!"Don't put it off."says Huiping."Because a volunteer today!"
Being a volunteer is great!
Number 77 Hight School,is home to three very special young people:Li Huiping,Lan Pin,and Zhu Ming.There three students all volunteer their time to help other people.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week,so it is a a major commitment.Huiping loves to read,and she puts this love to good use,by working in the after-school care center,at her local elementary school.Here,she helps young children to read.Pei loves animals,and plans to study to be a veterinarian,when he leaves school.He spends very Saturday morning working in an animal hostital.Ming is a student.He wants to be a professonal singer.He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up."Volunteering is great!"say Huiping."Now only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do."Pei says he has learned wore about animal.Ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital.The three students plan to get up a student volunteer project at the their school!"Don't put it off."says Huiping."Because a volunteer today!"
- 1构成函数的要素是:______,______,_________.
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- 6阅读与写作之间关系密切唐代诗人杜甫说过( )
- 7已知:AB=DE,AF=CD,∠A=∠D,EF=BC,试说明:BF∥CE.
- 8手机、数码相机等常用充电电池作为电源,如图所示是某手机电池铭牌,观察可知该电池的电压是_V.它充足电后所储存的电能是_J.
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