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Two friends were walking through a desert.During the j_______ they had a quarrel ,and one hit the other in the face.
The one who got hit felt t____ because he was badly hurt,but he wrote in the sand,without saying anything,"Today my best friend hit me in the face"
They kept on walking until they found an oasis,where they decided to have a swim.The one who had been hit got into trouble in the water and started s_______.His life was in danger but the friend saved him at once.
After he came to h______,he wrote on a stone,"Today my best friend saved my lihe.'
The friend who had hit and saved him asked,"After I hurt you,you wrote in the sand and now you write on the stone.Why?
He r______,"When someone hurts us,we should wtite it down in the sand w_____ winds of forgivness can erase it away.But when someone does s_____ good for us,we must write it on the stone where wind can hardly erase it."
Learn to write your hurts in the sand and towrite your t_____ on the stone.


During the journey (在旅途中...) felt terrible (感觉很糟糕...)started shouting / struggling (开始叫喊/开始挣扎)came to himself (come to oneself 恢复知觉)He replied (他回答道...)in the sand w...
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