1.Lana her why cheer is friends trying to up?2.the hours it finish volunteers several took the to plan.3.agrees to meeting what the put boss if off the?4.in turns would take you to sing public to like?5.made for study your it again donation me to at possible school.6.love in working a use my puts her to aunt good by hospital.
1.Lana her why cheer is friends trying to up?2.the hours it finish volunteers several took the to plan.3.agrees to meeting what the put boss if off the?4.in turns would take you to sing public to like?5.made for study your it again donation me to at possible school.6.love in working a use my puts her to aunt good by hospital.
1.Why is Lana trying to cheer up her friends?
或:Why is Lana trying to cheer her friends up?
2.It took the volunteers several hours to finish the plan.
3.What if the boss agrees to put off the meeting?
或:What if the boss agrees to put the meeting off?
4.Would you like to take turns to sing in public?
5.Your donation made it possible for me to study at school again.
6.My aunt puts her love to a good use by working in hospital.
或:Why is Lana trying to cheer her friends up?
2.It took the volunteers several hours to finish the plan.
3.What if the boss agrees to put off the meeting?
或:What if the boss agrees to put the meeting off?
4.Would you like to take turns to sing in public?
5.Your donation made it possible for me to study at school again.
6.My aunt puts her love to a good use by working in hospital.
- 1做匀加速直线运动的物体,先后经过A、B两点时的速度分别为v和7v,经历的时间为t,则( ) A.前半程速度增加3.5 v B.后半程速度增加3v C.前t2时间内通过的位移为11vt4 D.后t2时
- 2甲酸和澄清石灰水的化学反应方程式
- 330摄氏度,氢氧化钙在水中的溶解度为0.16g/100g水.此温度下,为制备饱和的澄清石灰水,称取5.6g生石灰放入1000g水中,充分搅拌后冷却至30摄氏度,过滤得到的澄清石灰水中溶质的质量为什么小
- 4()比8米多四分之三
- 5一个因数乘2,另一个因数乘3,积会怎样变化
- 6run out run out 和 run out of 和 run out with的区别
- 7把标有“220V 100W“和“220V 60W“字样的两个灯泡串联接在220V的电路中,使用时两灯消耗的功率之比为_,其中标有“220V 100W”的灯正常工作_小时消耗的电能为1kW•h.
- 8已知关于x的方程x2-2(m+1)x+m2=0. (1)当m为何值时,原方程没有实数根? (2)对m取一个适合的非零整数值,使原方程有两个实数根.并求这两个实根的平方和.
- 9甲、乙两地相距40千米,摩托车的速度为45千米没事运货汽车的速度为35千米每时(1)若两车
- 10是yourself 还是yourselves?
- 1佳字的组词有那些
- 2给句子换个说法,意思不变.说它贪玩,的确是呀,要不怎么会一天一夜不回家呢?
- 3AB是光滑圆弧面,BC是粗糙的水平面,BC=0.9m,质量为6千克的物体从高h=0.3m的A点由静止下滑,到达C点静止,求物体在BC段所受德阻力~
- 4这个超大型宇宙已经存在了多久,2000亿年?
- 5what is the matter you want to tell me?Now you say.piease
- 6五年级一班进行列队表演,每行排8人活12人都正好没有剩余、已知五年级一班学生人数比40多,比50少,那么五年级一班有多少人?
- 7一条路,第一天修了40%,第二天修了1/4千米,此时余下和已修的米数比是2:3,全长多少米?
- 81.一件商品原价1000元,先降价10分之1后,再涨价10分之1,这件商品的现价是多少元?
- 9用四舍五入法取2394.7的近似值,精确到十位,并用科学记数法表示为_.
- 10(1)长度单位:1/4米=_厘米 7/10千米=_米 (2)面积单位:3/25平方米=_平方分米 51/100平方分米=_平方厘米 (3)质量单在:2/5吨=_千克 7/8千克=_克 (4)时间单位: