Spain and Greece are more popular than any other country in Europe now. I is cheaper to go to the two countries by plane than by train, and it’s easier to get a ticket in May than in June, July or August.
Most people think that Greece is _________ (pretty). Others say that Spain is ________(hot). Certainly hotels in Soain are much __________(expensive) than the ones in Greece, and they are also ____________ (comfortable), but Greece is much _________(interesting) and it is _________ (quit) than Spain.
Spain is __________(near) and one can get there more quickly. However, Spain can be too___________ (crowded). Some people feel that Greece is __________(beautiful) and the air is _______(clean).
Spain and Greece are more popular than any other country in Europe now. I is cheaper to go to the two countries by plane than by train, and it’s easier to get a ticket in May than in June, July or August.
Most people think that Greece is _________ (pretty). Others say that Spain is ________(hot). Certainly hotels in Soain are much __________(expensive) than the ones in Greece, and they are also ____________ (comfortable), but Greece is much _________(interesting) and it is _________ (quit) than Spain.
Spain is __________(near) and one can get there more quickly. However, Spain can be too___________ (crowded). Some people feel that Greece is __________(beautiful) and the air is _______(clean).
prettier; hotter; more expensive; more comfortable; more interesting; quiter; nearer; crowded; more beautiful; cleaner
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