hello,everyone.I want to make friends with you .How about you.First,let me introduce myself to you.my english name is lance.I'm Nineteen-year-old.I am an outgoing boy.As you can see,this is what I,have short black hair and two black eyes. Then let me talk about you can not see.I like to listening music and sing some popular songs,I also have a lot of favorite singers.Sometimes sing with friends,Sometimes one person singing.I also like watching movies,My favorite movie star is Leonardo,He is really handsome Gentleman And the acting is very good,he starred Titanic is really classic.I will be look at the Titanic 3D Film. He also has more than what movies are nice,I really love him.On outdoor activities I like climbing mountains,I really enjoy the closer to nature,I feel well.I like animals,I have a dog called lele,It is so cute,but it is so fat.Because I don't have brothers and sisters,so I treat it brother.I like to eat different kinds of food and vegetables,because I in Wuhan,so i love spicy food.this is what i.thsnk you
hello,everyone.I want to make friends with you .How about you.First,let me introduce myself to you.my english name is lance.I'm Nineteen-year-old.I am an outgoing boy.As you can see,this is what I,have short black hair and two black eyes. Then let me talk about you can not see.I like to listening music and sing some popular songs,I also have a lot of favorite singers.Sometimes sing with friends,Sometimes one person singing.I also like watching movies,My favorite movie star is Leonardo,He is really handsome Gentleman And the acting is very good,he starred Titanic is really classic.I will be look at the Titanic 3D Film. He also has more than what movies are nice,I really love him.On outdoor activities I like climbing mountains,I really enjoy the closer to nature,I feel well.I like animals,I have a dog called lele,It is so cute,but it is so fat.Because I don't have brothers and sisters,so I treat it brother.I like to eat different kinds of food and vegetables,because I in Wuhan,so i love spicy food.this is what i.thsnk you
hello,everyone.I want to make friends with you .How about you.First,let me introduce myself to you.my English name is Lance.I'm Nineteen-year-old.I am an outgoing boy.As you can see,I have short black...
- 11/2*6+1/4*8+1/6*10+...+1/2n*(2n+4)的极限
- 2把'因为他含有兴国安帮的意义,所以人们称他为‘兴安岭’.这句话改成把字句和被字句,
- 3who_(have)an umbrella?l _(have)one
- 4家乡为什么会产生那么大变化
- 5A、B、C、D、E五位同学进行乒乓球循环赛(即每2人赛一场),比赛进行了一段时间后,A赛了4场,B赛了3场,C赛了2场,D赛了1场,这时,E赛了_ 场.
- 6用亚硝酸钠滴定法测定盐酸普鲁卡因的含量时,需要注意的滴定条件和终点判断的方法有哪些?
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- 8It is _________for growing wheat.A.a good country B.the country C.very good country D.countries
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- 1六年级语文的日积月累和读读写写读读记记是什么?
- 2关于古诗中的平仄
- 3由同种物质组成的甲、乙两个物体,质量之比为2:1,升高的温度之比为1:2,则甲、乙两个物体的比热容之比为_,吸收的热量之比为_.
- 4已知x+2y-4z=0,3x-y-z=0,则3x+2y+z/x+2y+z=
- 5已知AB=6cm,2当点C到点A和点B的距离和等于6cm时,点C的位置应该在哪里?
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- 7浅谈如何提高小学中高年级语文阅读理解
- 8赠汪伦,读了文章,说说李白是个怎么样的人,请写下来
- 9用英文介绍一个著名的科学家
- 10一道数学题A+c=3 a²=b²+c² 4b²+9a²=4a²b² 求A,B,C