Statue of Liberty full name " statue of liberty " National Memorial Chorten ",the official name is" Liberty Enlightening the world",is located in the United States New York city harbour of Liberty Island near the Hudson River Estuary,known as a symbol of the United states.The creator is Frederic Auguste Bartholdy.In 1984,it was included in the world heritage list.
For more than a century,standing on the island free of the statue of Liberty statue has become a United States national symbol of friendship between the people and the law,always an expression of the American people for democracy,freedom of longing for lofty ideals.
Statue of Liberty is one of the current construction of the largest statue of.Frederic Auguste Bartholdy
In 1984 the world heritage list.In 1942 the United States government decided,Statue of Liberty would be listed as the United States National heritage.
For more than a century,standing on the island free of the statue of Liberty statue has become a United States national symbol of friendship between the people and the law,always an expression of the American people for democracy,freedom of longing for lofty ideals.
Statue of Liberty is one of the current construction of the largest statue of.Frederic Auguste Bartholdy
In 1984 the world heritage list.In 1942 the United States government decided,Statue of Liberty would be listed as the United States National heritage.
- 1写一句有关理想志向的名言,谈理解
- 2被雨水淋湿的自行车必须要先用干布擦净后才能用带油的布擦,为什么?
- 3已知,关于x的一元一次方程2x方+kx-1=0 求证,方程有两个实数根问题2 若方程的一个根
- 4逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也.
- 5We all think ___ helpful for our study to have a break at weekends.
- 6高中化学方程式是如何反应的,反应后的产物是什么,怎么跟初中不同啊
- 7等质量的锌和铁的样品分别跟足量的盐酸反应,得到等质量的氢气.有关样品可能的情况是( ) A.纯铁、纯锌 B.铁中混有锌,锌中混有铜(铜与盐酸不反应) C.纯锌,含杂质的铁 D.锌、铁
- 8磁为什么会可以产生电?
- 9sport跟exercise的用法有什么不同
- 10cos60度+2分之根号2乘sin45度+tan30度乘cos30度 等于几
- 1乐乐和天天进行100米跑步比赛,第一次两人同时同地起跑,当乐乐跑到终点时,天天距离终点还有5米.在第二次乐乐将起跑线退后5米,两人同时起跑,这次是谁先到达终点,先到达终点的人领先另一个多少米到达终点?
- 2设 y=ln(x+根号下x平方+a平方)求 y‘ y”
- 3甲骨文和金文的书写材料有什么不同?金文比甲骨文有何进步?
- 4John got the first prize in the contest.His parents were p of him
- 5张师傅把一捆电线剪成10米长的一段,剪了8次正好剪完,这捆电线长几米?
- 6( )Good afternoon.___________ A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Come in D.Hello
- 7读书笔记有三种写法,分别是哪三种?
- 8call的用法
- 9曹刿论战的我喜欢曹刿的..因为.
- 10五分之二和八分之三谁大?