When subjected to heat flux, most systems (even small ones) exhibit an impressive delay before their temperature begins to stabilize. The time needed to attain 63.2% of a given temperature gradient is called the thermal time constant, and it often ranges from 5 to 200 seconds. Thus, the time constants associated with temperature-regulator operation can seem very very long to an electronic engineer. The system discussed here has a thermal time constant of approximately 40s, which is slow indeed when compared with transients that are possible in the power supply voltage.
To enable a response to any variation of the power supply voltage, the design includes two parallel
feedback paths (Figure 2). One ceramic plate of the TEC is in close thermal contact with the object of interest (a laser diode in this case), and the other plate allows heat transfer to the external ambient temperature. This heat transfer should be as unimpeded as possible, and if necessary (when
When subjected to heat flux, most systems (even small ones) exhibit an impressive delay before their temperature begins to stabilize. The time needed to attain 63.2% of a given temperature gradient is called the thermal time constant, and it often ranges from 5 to 200 seconds. Thus, the time constants associated with temperature-regulator operation can seem very very long to an electronic engineer. The system discussed here has a thermal time constant of approximately 40s, which is slow indeed when compared with transients that are possible in the power supply voltage.
To enable a response to any variation of the power supply voltage, the design includes two parallel
feedback paths (Figure 2). One ceramic plate of the TEC is in close thermal contact with the object of interest (a laser diode in this case), and the other plate allows heat transfer to the external ambient temperature. This heat transfer should be as unimpeded as possible, and if necessary (when
当使对热服从流出,大部分系统 (甚至小的) 展览品一令人印象深刻的延迟以前他们的温度开始稳定.时间需要的达到 63.2% 的给定温度倾斜度是呼叫那热的时间常数,和它时常范围从 5 到 200 秒起.因此,与时间常数有关的温度-调整者的操作能非常非常似乎长的对电子的工程师.系统讨论在这里有一热的时间常数大约 40 年代,是慢的确当与在力量方面是可能的短期居留者相较补给电压.
回应路径 (图 2).一陶瓷的碟子侦探是在结束热的连络与那物体兴趣 (一个激光两极管在这情况),和另一个碟子允许热移动对外部的周围温度.这热移动应该尽可能不阻碍,而且如果必需品 (当高度度的力量是遇到) 它应该与一个吹的人一起协助.因为特定水平的连续热漏是不可避免的,一对应的数量电力是不可或缺的在平衡为漏偿还.
回应路径 (图 2).一陶瓷的碟子侦探是在结束热的连络与那物体兴趣 (一个激光两极管在这情况),和另一个碟子允许热移动对外部的周围温度.这热移动应该尽可能不阻碍,而且如果必需品 (当高度度的力量是遇到) 它应该与一个吹的人一起协助.因为特定水平的连续热漏是不可避免的,一对应的数量电力是不可或缺的在平衡为漏偿还.
- 1将0.2mol/LHA溶液与0.2mol/LNaOH溶液等体积混合,测得混合溶液中C(Na+)>C(A-),则(用“>”、“<”、“
- 23与0.55的积比什么数的5倍少0.35,求这个数.
- 3以下可以除去水中泥沙和悬浮...
- 4已知a(a不等于0)是方程x^2 - 2011x + 1=0的一个根,求代数式a^2 - 2010a + (2011) / (a^2 + 1)的值,急
- 5苍松怪石图题诗中某些字的意思,
- 6把下面的词语补充完整.顺便解一下那些形容人物动作,那些形容人物神态,那些形容人物精神各写三个
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- 8某氧原子的质量为ag,碳12原子的质量为bg,且NA表示阿伏伽德罗常数,下列说法正确的是
- 9打一份稿件,甲单独打要12小时完成,乙单独打要15小时完成,两人合打若干小时后.
- 10求函数f(x)=log2(a^x-(2^x)*k),a大于等于2.且K为常数,求该函数的定义域
- 1The little boy was very________so they all liked him
- 2把多项式5x^3+2x^2-3x^4-1-x按x的降幂重新排列为
- 3it was getting d_ and he decided to spend the night at the station
- 4怎样给f^2(x)求导.希望能将过程说的详细点,谢谢!
- 5括号( )里上N下K,在概率论与数理统计随机变量里里
- 6清洁房间用英语怎么说?
- 7已知三角形的两条边分别是1和2,第三边长为2x-5x-3=0的根,则这个三角形的周长( ) (过程+原因)拜托了各
- 8在同一坐标系中,画出下列函数的图像(1)y=-2x方(2)y=2分之1x方
- 9因式分解 x的4次方-6x的二次方y的二次方+8y的四次方
- 10A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death :中文意思是什么?