Mr Jackson lived in the centre of London but he had a hotel near the airport.There a lot of foreigners stayed for night.He couldn’t speak any other language but English and he found it difficult for him to understand the foreign visitors.Sometimes he had to use the body language to“talk”with them,and tried his best to make himself understood.But he was often misunderstood(误解)and it brought him a lot of trouble.A friend of his who learned a few foreign languages in a university would teach him.He was happy and studied hard.At first he learned some,but soon he found it wasn’t easy to remember the words and expressions.His friend advised him to write down the useful expressions in his notebook so that he could use them when necessary.He did as he was told.He found it helpful for him to do so.One evening there were plenty of people in the dining room.They were all busy eating something except a Japanese.He was walking around there and waiting for his wife who was dressing herself
Mr Jackson lived in the centre of London but he had a hotel near the airport.There a lot of foreigners stayed for night.He couldn’t speak any other language but English and he found it difficult for him to understand the foreign visitors.Sometimes he had to use the body language to“talk”with them,and tried his best to make himself understood.But he was often misunderstood(误解)and it brought him a lot of trouble.A friend of his who learned a few foreign languages in a university would teach him.He was happy and studied hard.At first he learned some,but soon he found it wasn’t easy to remember the words and expressions.His friend advised him to write down the useful expressions in his notebook so that he could use them when necessary.He did as he was told.He found it helpful for him to do so.One evening there were plenty of people in the dining room.They were all busy eating something except a Japanese.He was walking around there and waiting for his wife who was dressing herself
- 1关于共轭复数的简单问题
- 2某班共30人,其中15人喜爱篮球运动,10人喜爱乒乓球运动,8人对这两项运动都不喜爱,则既喜爱篮球运动又喜爱乒乓球运动的人数为_.
- 32的X+次方=3,2的Y次方=5,则4的2X+Y次方=?3Q
- 4如果x=3,y=2是方程组ax+by=-4,bx-ay=7的解,那么a=,b=
- 5We can swim in the lake ,walk in the w_ ,climb a mountain
- 6某中学八年级一班50人,老师第一次统计这个班的平均成绩为80分,在复查时发现有两张成绩的试卷上的分数75
- 7草原上正在进行着一场激烈的捕食战.野兔在草地上以20m/s的速度向前方50m处的树洞奔逃,同时秃鹰在野兔后方70m处以30m/s的速度贴着地面飞行追击野兔.通过计算判断野兔能否安全逃进树洞?
- 8英语翻译
- 9已知▱ABCD的两条对角线AC、BD相交于点O,如果△AOB的面积是3cm2,那么▱ABCD的面积是_cm2.
- 10孝感市某初中物理实验小组的同学想知道小灯泡的亮暗程度与什么因素有关
- 1(³√-64/125)+(√1又11/25)-√16(计算)
- 2宋江私放晁盖是哪一回?
- 3试说明两条平行线被第三条直线所截,一对同旁内角的平分线互相垂直
- 4分解因式:m2-n2+2m-2n=_.
- 5比较内,外作用对地表形态的影响
- 6俄国十月革命后,在中国大地上举起社会主义革命的第一人是?
- 7在边长为2+根号2的正方形ABCD中,O为对角线交点,请你做出正方形ABCD绕点0旋转45°后的图形,并算出这两个
- 8已知f(x)是定义在R上的偶函数,且在[0,+∞)上为增函数,f(1/3)=0,则不等式f(log1/8x)>0的解集为 ⊙ _ .
- 9求二次函数的所有知识点,
- 10x平方+4y平方-2x+4y+5=0求y的x次方