求修改 英语作文语法错误
One day,Marie to prepare some food to go to picnic with her friends.When they arrived at the forest,they found that the trees are cut and a bird without.So they are very frustrated and go home,but Marie in the woods.Marie on the stump thought:Ago,here are all trees,birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers,but now only the bare stump.Marie had a question why people cut down trees?No trees,humans would be equivalent to losing the umbrella; no trees,birds lose; without trees,the Earth will lose its color .Others cut down a tree and I will plant trees.Marie quickly ran back home with a number of trees here,she began to plant trees.She is the seedlings watered every day.It is a snowy year ,when it snows,Marie for these trees umbrella.Day in and day out,year after year,the tree finally grown up.But one day,Marie came to see the trees,surprised to find that only a stump……
One day,Marie to prepare some food to go to picnic with her friends.When they arrived at the forest,they found that the trees are cut and a bird without.So they are very frustrated and go home,but Marie in the woods.Marie on the stump thought:Ago,here are all trees,birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers,but now only the bare stump.Marie had a question why people cut down trees?No trees,humans would be equivalent to losing the umbrella; no trees,birds lose; without trees,the Earth will lose its color .Others cut down a tree and I will plant trees.Marie quickly ran back home with a number of trees here,she began to plant trees.She is the seedlings watered every day.It is a snowy year ,when it snows,Marie for these trees umbrella.Day in and day out,year after year,the tree finally grown up.But one day,Marie came to see the trees,surprised to find that only a stump……
One day, Marie prepared to some food to go to picnic with her friends. When they arrived in the forest, they found that the trees were cut without a bird. So they were very frustrated and went home, but Marie was in the woods. Marie sat on the stump and thought: in the past , here were lots of trees, birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers, but now only the bare stump. Marie had a question why people cut down the trees? No trees, humans would be equivalent to lose the umbrella; no trees, birds would be lost ; without trees, the Earth will lose its colors .Others cut down a tree and I will plant trees. Marie quickly ran back home with a number of trees here, she began to plant trees. She seeded and watered every day.It was a snowy year , when it snowed, Marie had these tree umbrellas. Day in and day out, year after year, the tree finally grew up. But one day, Marie came to see the trees, and she was surprised to find that only a stump……
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