Beautiful Autumn!
Sunlight in autumn,is really bright,transparently clear,neither hot,nor cold,though cool a bit,yet we could also call that warm,but not like that of spring,which we often call it warm because of the relatively moist air condition.
In autumn,it is in fact briskly cool and warm,refreshing,and also enlightening,blessing,if we could say that.And together with that occasional breaths of breeze or sometimes not severe gasps of wind,and that azure blue sky,high and high above your estimation,which floats with the whitest color of cloud masses or cloud mountains unmatched in all other three seasons,as actually all kinds of shapes,images and contours you could imagine,it is the most favorite and most beautiful season to the largest majority of people.
What about plants and flowers?
In autumn,all flowers fade away,yet there is the one that blooms and flourishes in its full beauty and length,that is:chrysanthemum,in all its colors and varieties,and is considered the most fragrant and sweet flower by some specialists.
And there is the tree,maple tree,which gets the most fascinating and dazzling color of deep red.And fruits,of course,get to their ripeness in this season.
Some animals also start to get ready food for their winter and go to a warmer place .
Different age groups have got different appreciation qualities.To most middle-aged,maybe autumn is their most cherished and loved season of the year.
In mutumn ,we should love it and get well and fully ready for our future!
Sunlight in autumn,is really bright,transparently clear,neither hot,nor cold,though cool a bit,yet we could also call that warm,but not like that of spring,which we often call it warm because of the relatively moist air condition.
In autumn,it is in fact briskly cool and warm,refreshing,and also enlightening,blessing,if we could say that.And together with that occasional breaths of breeze or sometimes not severe gasps of wind,and that azure blue sky,high and high above your estimation,which floats with the whitest color of cloud masses or cloud mountains unmatched in all other three seasons,as actually all kinds of shapes,images and contours you could imagine,it is the most favorite and most beautiful season to the largest majority of people.
What about plants and flowers?
In autumn,all flowers fade away,yet there is the one that blooms and flourishes in its full beauty and length,that is:chrysanthemum,in all its colors and varieties,and is considered the most fragrant and sweet flower by some specialists.
And there is the tree,maple tree,which gets the most fascinating and dazzling color of deep red.And fruits,of course,get to their ripeness in this season.
Some animals also start to get ready food for their winter and go to a warmer place .
Different age groups have got different appreciation qualities.To most middle-aged,maybe autumn is their most cherished and loved season of the year.
In mutumn ,we should love it and get well and fully ready for our future!
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