英文写广州介绍 60字内
Guangzhou is the capital and a sub-provincial city of Guangdong Province in the southern part of China.It is a famous cultural city with a history of over 2,210 years.Its long history has left Guangzhou with a number of scenic spots and historical sites,e.g.The Tomb Museum of the King of Southern Yue in Western Han Period,Chen Clan Temple,Six Banyan Temple,Zhenhai Tower,Guangxiao Temple,Sanyuan Temple,Memorial Mosque to the Prophet,Sacred Heart Church,The Taoist Temple of Five Immortals,and the Divine Temple of South Sea,each of which being a lively witness to the historic and cultural city of Guangzhou.
"Eating in Guangzhou" has become a popular saying both at home and abroad.Guangzhou ranks first in the number of restaurants and tea-houses in the country.Cantonese cuisine is good in color,fragrance,taste and presentation.In addition,the delicate Cantonese pastry is also well-known for its wide range of varieties,delicious flavor and beautiful color.Cantonese cuisine is among the most famous four in the country.
"Eating in Guangzhou" has become a popular saying both at home and abroad.Guangzhou ranks first in the number of restaurants and tea-houses in the country.Cantonese cuisine is good in color,fragrance,taste and presentation.In addition,the delicate Cantonese pastry is also well-known for its wide range of varieties,delicious flavor and beautiful color.Cantonese cuisine is among the most famous four in the country.
- 1若a,b,c成等比数列;a,b+4,c成等差数列;a,b+4,c+16又成等比数列,求这三个数.
- 2如图1所示,光滑水平面上的小车在拉力F的作用下运动,在拉力逐渐减小直到0的过程中,小车的速度将------
- 3在党的阳光雨露照耀下,孩子们在茁壮地成长是病句吗
- 4八年级下册物理知识点 分析复杂电路时,为了将电路简化,为啥将电压表看作是断路
- 5sin x = 1/3,360度
- 6我的梦想是去世界各地旅游.my dream is to ____ _____ ____the world.
- 7初三化学反应问题
- 8there is得的意思
- 9一个长方形周长是48厘米,长和宽比是5:3求这长方形的面积?
- 10Which is the longest word in English?A.smile B.smiles C.swimming D.kilometres
- 19x+5(50-x)≤360 3x+10(50-x)≤290 是一元一次不等式组 请求出它的解集
- 2给这个字添上一笔或去掉一笔或者将末尾笔画稍加变化,就会变成另一个字.
- 3什么叫阶梯形向量组?
- 4用英语解释句子:L felt on top of the world when l heard the news
- 5在实验室有A细菌1个,B细菌20个.每过一分钟,A就吞噬一个B.同时A和B又都分裂成原来数目的两倍.问:在第几分钟时B细菌会被A细菌全部吞噬掉?
- 67/()×4/1=()/3 7/()×()/3=28/()
- 7My job was to wash bottles,which would then be filled with wine,or__the filled bottles in boxes.
- 8(125的立方根)的平方+(-2分之根号2)的平方+(3分之2)的-1次方-(π-3)的0次方+ |-2的平方| -1
- 9为什么说雅典曾称霸地中海?
- 10英语背单词有什么好方法?好记忆方法?