英语8种时态造句,主动和被动 一种时态造一个 总共是16个句子 主动8个被动8个..
用thy boy write a letter 造句
用thy boy write a letter 造句
一般现在时主动We make cars in China.
一般现在时被动Cars are made in China.
一般过去时主动They repaired the car yesterday.
一般过去时被动The car was repaired yesterday.
现在进行时主动They are repairing the car now.
现在进行时被动The car is being repaired now.
过去进行时主动They were repairing the car at four yesterday.
过去进行时被动The car was being repaires at four yesterday.
一般将来时主动They will repaire the car tomorrow.
一般将来时被动The car will be repaired tomorrow.
过去将来时主动:They would repair the car the next day.
过去将来时主动:The car would be repaired the next day.
现在完成时主动They have repaired the car.
现在完成时主动The car has been repaired.
过去完成时主动They had repaired the car before they came here.
过去完成时被动The car had been repaired before they came here.
含有情态动词的主动语态:They can repair the car.
含有情态动词的被动语态:The car can be repaired by them.
一般现在时被动Cars are made in China.
一般过去时主动They repaired the car yesterday.
一般过去时被动The car was repaired yesterday.
现在进行时主动They are repairing the car now.
现在进行时被动The car is being repaired now.
过去进行时主动They were repairing the car at four yesterday.
过去进行时被动The car was being repaires at four yesterday.
一般将来时主动They will repaire the car tomorrow.
一般将来时被动The car will be repaired tomorrow.
过去将来时主动:They would repair the car the next day.
过去将来时主动:The car would be repaired the next day.
现在完成时主动They have repaired the car.
现在完成时主动The car has been repaired.
过去完成时主动They had repaired the car before they came here.
过去完成时被动The car had been repaired before they came here.
含有情态动词的主动语态:They can repair the car.
含有情态动词的被动语态:The car can be repaired by them.
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