写一篇70词左右的英语短文来介绍广州 提示:1交通便利,可乘公交车、出租车或地铁游览市容;
Guangzhou,in English and other European languages also known as Canton(which was first romanized from the Cantonese pronunciation of Guangdong by the Portuguese) and also known as Kwangchow,is one of the five National Central Cities and a sub-provincial city located in southern China in the middle of Guangdong Province north of the Pearl River,about 120 km (75 mi) northwest of Hong Kong.
It is the third largest city in China and the capital of Guangdong Province,southern China's largest city and key transportation hub and trading port,located on the Pearl River which is navigable to the South China Sea.As of the 2000 census,the city has a population of 6 million,and an urban area population of roughly 11.85 million,making it the most populous city in the province and the third most populous metropolitan area in China.The Guangzhou government's official estimate of the city's population at the end of 2009 was 10,334,500,an addition of 152,500 people from last year.
It is the third largest city in China and the capital of Guangdong Province,southern China's largest city and key transportation hub and trading port,located on the Pearl River which is navigable to the South China Sea.As of the 2000 census,the city has a population of 6 million,and an urban area population of roughly 11.85 million,making it the most populous city in the province and the third most populous metropolitan area in China.The Guangzhou government's official estimate of the city's population at the end of 2009 was 10,334,500,an addition of 152,500 people from last year.
- 1我市某学校计划向西部山区的学生捐赠3500册图书,实际共捐了4125册.其中,初中学生捐赠了原计划的120%,高中学生捐赠了原计划的115%,问初中学生和高中学生比原计划各多捐了多少册?
- 2关于go的词组、短语,越多越好
- 3物体离凸透镜22厘米时,能在光上屏上得到一个清晰的倒立缩小的像,则下列判断正确的是( ) A.如果物距小于11厘米时,一定不能成实像 B.如果物距等于11厘米时,一定成放大的实像 C.
- 41.Our shower is always busy in the morning,so we make a shower___.
- 5解比例8分之1:4分之1=10分之1:X给我详细.
- 6中,前两句写_______和_______;后两句着重写_______和_______.
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- 99.954保留一位小数是(),精确到百分位是().
- 10She used to be lose for school.(改为一般疑问句)
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- 3清醒了,化学实验中那可怕的一.,这篇文章的主要内容?好的再加20分
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- 6at a snack bar啥意思?
- 7推理.1,1,2,6,() 请在括号内填出合适的数字,并写出推理过程.
- 8随便说出3个正数,以这3个正数为边长可以围成一个钝角三角形的概率P
- 9How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?
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