I had a funny day on last weekend.I went to a park with my friend and his mum.
We took sandwiches and we wanted to have a picnic.There was a big lake in the park and there were lots of ducks.I love that beautiful scenry.
But the bad thing followed.Then it started to rain.It rained and rained and rained.
We ran quickly under a tree.We didn't want to get wet.
The those naughty ducks went to our picnic and ate all the sandwiches.I took some photos for them.At last we went home.We were wet,hungry and angry with those ducks.What a pity!
I hope I will have a good weekend in this week.
We took sandwiches and we wanted to have a picnic.There was a big lake in the park and there were lots of ducks.I love that beautiful scenry.
But the bad thing followed.Then it started to rain.It rained and rained and rained.
We ran quickly under a tree.We didn't want to get wet.
The those naughty ducks went to our picnic and ate all the sandwiches.I took some photos for them.At last we went home.We were wet,hungry and angry with those ducks.What a pity!
I hope I will have a good weekend in this week.
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