What changes are going to happen in our way of life?According to writer Patrick Goldring ,more people are going to have part-time jobs.This is going to be ture for most workers.people have many interests.Full-time job do not allow time for these interests.people are going to have two or three different part-time jobs.
According to David Jenkins in his book Job Power,workers are going to have more power in their companies.They are going to have more power over their jobs and their hous.Groups of workers and company leaders are going to meet to find answers to company problem.Some companies don’t want change.Workers are demanding it,however.What is the result of “job power"?According to Jenkins,the result is a good feeling toward the company.
What changes are going to happen in our way of life?According to writer Patrick Goldring ,more people are going to have part-time jobs.This is going to be ture for most workers.people have many interests.Full-time job do not allow time for these interests.people are going to have two or three different part-time jobs.
According to David Jenkins in his book Job Power,workers are going to have more power in their companies.They are going to have more power over their jobs and their hous.Groups of workers and company leaders are going to meet to find answers to company problem.Some companies don’t want change.Workers are demanding it,however.What is the result of “job power"?According to Jenkins,the result is a good feeling toward the company.
在我们的人生路上会发生些什么改变?据作家Patrick Goldring说,更多的人将会有兼职工作.对大多工人来说确实如此.人有许多的兴趣爱好,做全职工作就没时间留给自己的兴趣了.人们会有两三个不同的兼职工作.
根据David Jenkins的书《工作中的权利》,工人们将在他们的公司里拥有更多的权利.他们将在工作和家庭里有更多的权利.成群的工人和公司领导将见面共同为公司解决问题.一些公司不想改变.工人要求那样,但是”工作中的权利“又会产生什么样的结果呢?Jenkins说,结果对公司而言是种好感觉.
根据David Jenkins的书《工作中的权利》,工人们将在他们的公司里拥有更多的权利.他们将在工作和家庭里有更多的权利.成群的工人和公司领导将见面共同为公司解决问题.一些公司不想改变.工人要求那样,但是”工作中的权利“又会产生什么样的结果呢?Jenkins说,结果对公司而言是种好感觉.
- 1甲、乙两人从A地到B地,甲较乙早出发一小时,而晚到一小时,甲每小时走4千米,乙每小时走6千米,求AB距离
- 220分之6=10分之3=15分之多少?
- 3带有ir(/ə:/)的单词
- 4如图,在斜度一定的山坡上的一点A测得山顶上一建筑物顶端C对于山坡的斜度为15°,向山顶前进100m后,又从点B测得斜度为45°,假设建筑物高50m,设山对于地平面的斜度θ,则cosθ=_.
- 5已知x-y=3分之2,求代数式4x+5y+2-x+2y的值
- 6以初速度40m/s竖直向上抛一物体,t秒时刻的速度v=40-10t2,则此物体达到最高时的高度为( ) A.1603 m B.803 m C.403 m D.203 m
- 7一辆货车和一辆客车同时从A城向B城行驶,2.8小时后两车相距56千米,货车每小时行驶80千米,
- 8他不能参加运动会了 He____ ____ ____ ____take part in the sports meeting.
- 9已知a是算术平方根等于本身的数,b是根号4的平方根,求根号a+b的平方
- 10如图,等边三角形ABC中,D为AC的中点,CE为BC的延长线,且CE=CD,取BE中点F,求证:DF垂直BE.