come about 发生
come across 遇见……
come after 跟随
come along 随同
come and go 来来去去
come apart 破碎
come around 来
come at 到达
come away 掉下
come back 回来
come before 优先于……
come between 介入……之间
come by 走过
come down 降下
come for 来迎接
come forward 挺身而出
come in 进来
come into 进入
come of 由……产生
come off 从……掉落
come on 上演
come out 出来
come out of 出自
come through 经过
come to 来,到
come together 和好
come under 归入……类别
come up 上升
come upon 发现……
come up with 想出,找出(答案)
come across 遇见……
come after 跟随
come along 随同
come and go 来来去去
come apart 破碎
come around 来
come at 到达
come away 掉下
come back 回来
come before 优先于……
come between 介入……之间
come by 走过
come down 降下
come for 来迎接
come forward 挺身而出
come in 进来
come into 进入
come of 由……产生
come off 从……掉落
come on 上演
come out 出来
come out of 出自
come through 经过
come to 来,到
come together 和好
come under 归入……类别
come up 上升
come upon 发现……
come up with 想出,找出(答案)
- 1Little house is not little because is full big things请问这个谜语谜底是什么?
- 2匀变速直线运动相邻的相等时间间隔内的位移之差相等,即delatS=a*T^2,是怎么推导出的?
- 3下列速度中,最接近1m/s的是 A普通中学生步行的速度.B一块小石子在空中自由下落的速度
- 4应和怎么造句
- 5我要配制10%的氢氧化钠,溶液是40斤,怎么算?
- 6"狡兔三窟"说的是谁的故事?
- 7一个三角形,知道两个边的长度,和三个角的度数,怎么求另一个边的长度?3Q
- 8f(x)=2x^2-3|x|的单调区间是___
- 9请高手帮忙修改英语作文,
- 10求用Y M N开头组成表达爱意的英文句子
- 1一个很神奇的现象,无法用科学解释
- 2怎样证明椭圆的内接矩形的对称中心与椭圆的对称中心重合?
- 3Can you () the light I want to read a book Sure.
- 4把60、105、240分解质因数
- 5以“星星告诉我”为题写一篇600字以上的作文
- 6I am poor in English ,so I have trouble___what the foreigner says
- 7设实数x,y,z满足x加(y分之1)等于1,y加(z分之1)等于1,求xyz的值
- 8若角 α(阿尔法)的终边为第一,三象限角平分线,则角α(阿尔法)集合是多少?
- 91)梁启超关于华夏族形成的说法是否正确?2)简要列举华夏族形成过程中的几个重要阶段!3)哪两个人为华夏族
- 10He ran downstairs and rushed to ———— his mother was sitting