B. The lecture was very interesting.
C. The woman didn"t attend the lecture.
B. Next Thursday
C. Next Saturday
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1至2题。 1. What can we learn from the conversation? [ ]A. The man d】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. Because it was very noisy
C. Because it was very hot
B. To buy more and more chickens from the market.
C. To put more fresh air into his chicken-house.
B. Because his wife couldn"t lay any eggs for him.
C. Because he only thought of how to make hens lay more eggs.
B. Mr. Hill only wanted to earn more money for himself.
C. The owner of the company of air conditioner only wanted to sell his products.
B. To his home
C. To the school
B. They are beautiful
C. They are expensive
B. Linda will drive him there
C. The woman will drive him there
B. A football game
C. A weekend plan
B. A hotel clerk
C. A bank clerk
B. More jobs
C. A new building
B. It"s beautiful and new.
C. It"s a new office building.
B. He spent his holidays.
C. He traveled abroad.
B. Going to the beach
C. Visiting the famous tower
B. He feels regretful
C. He feels disappointed
B. A football coach
C. A TV hostess
B. About 25
C. About 35
B. Talent and determination
C. Skill and determination
- 1某人上山的平均速度为3km/h,沿原路下山的平均速度为5km/h,上山用1h,则此人上下山的平均速度为( )A.4km
- 2导致中东地区错综复杂的矛盾的因素有①大国插手②宗教信仰③种族矛盾④领土争夺[ ]A.①②③B.②③C.①②④D.
- 3已知乙烷的燃烧热为1190kJ/mol,则下列表述正确的是( )A.2C2H6(g)+7O2 (g) = 4
- 4传感器能够感受一些_________量,并把它们按一定的规律转化为_________量,就可以方便地进行测量,传输、处理
- 5—Can you help me with my math?—______, I can"t, I"m too bus
- 6电阻R1与R2串联后的总电阻是5Ω,已知R1=3Ω,则R1与R2并联后的总电阻是_________Ω。
- 7下列整式中,其中是单项式的是( )A.4x2y27B.-x+1C.x-2D.x+2
- 8在一个不透明的布袋中有4个完全相同的乒乓球,把它们分别标号为1,2,3,4,随机地摸出一个乒乓球然后放回,再随机地摸出一
- 9在1953年出版《***选集》时,***对其于1945年发表的《论联合政府》的报告进行了大规模修改,其中明确提出无产阶级
- 10在边长为1的正三角形的边上分别取两点,使顶点关于直线的对称点正好在边上,则的最大值为_____________.
- 1已知数列是公差为d的等差数列,其前n项和为Sn,则有类似的,对于公比为q的等比数列来说,设其前n项积为Tn,则关于的一个
- 2第二次世界大战中,受法西斯侵略和威胁的国家联合起来对付共同的敌人。“世界正义力量团结在一起”──世界反法西斯同盟形成的标
- 3设函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且f(2)=0,当x>0时,有恒成立,则不等式 x2f(x)>0的解集为
- 4张山同学参加长跑前准备了以下食物补充能量,其中最合适的是A.牛肉干B.水果糖C.花生米D.牛奶
- 5听句子,选择正确图片。( )1.
- 6已知命题,命题.若命题“”是真命题,求实数的取值范围.
- 7“顶层设计”,其在工程学中的本义是统筹考虑项目各层次和各要素,追根溯,统揽全局,在最高层次上寻求问题的解决之道。中国改革
- 8某灯泡标有“PZ220-60”字样,此灯的额定电压是______V,额定功率是______W.
- 9阅读材料,回答问题:材料一:很多美国历史学者认为 ,这次战争是美国历史上的一道分水岭。联邦政府从此变得强大起来,美国的农
- 10While visiting the robot exhibition, the professor kept nodd