题型:0123 期中题难度:来源:
B. Parents" responsibilities.
C. The relationship between parents and children.
B. Those who expected to have several children but could only have one.
C. Those who like to give expensive toys to their children.
B. Because their parents are too strict with them in their education.
C. Because their parents want them to grow up as fast as possible.
B. They are overprotected by their parents.
C. Their parents expect too much of them.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1至4题。 1. What is the passage mainly about? [ ]A. Two types of onl】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. 44% of all participants.
C. 38.2% of all participants.
B. 21
C. 4 or 5 or even less
B. 1912.
C. 1956.
B. He is looking for a bar.
C. He is driving in his car.
B. He is on St.James Street.
C. He is in the Q-Bar.
B. How to get to her house.
C. Where to get an up-to-date map.
B. At a teahouse.
C. On a plane.
B. Her husband is a Chinese who knows Chinese tea well.
C. She may have been to China several times.
B. They are old friends who haven"t seen each other for a long time.
C. The man is likely to know more about China than the woman.
B. Worse than the old page.
C. As good as the old page.
B. There are clear links to descriptions of our products and services.
C. There was little influence to the sale volume.
B. Inefficient.
C. Discouraging.
B. a deposit may be required to rent an apartment
C. on-campus apartments are very limited
B. Students can prepare their own meals.
C. Occupants (居住者) have freedom to select their roommates.
B. Provide their own furnishings.
C. Sign a housing contract.
- 10.01-1100+(-1)3×(-0.01)2.
- 2下列现象中可以减小摩擦的是( )A.拔河时用力握住绳子B.旅行箱的下面安装小轮子C.钢笔拧得太紧不易打开,往往在手与钢
- 3泰国的国教是[ ]A、基督教 B、伊斯兰教 C、佛教 D、清真教
- 4She gave the students a lesson ____ Mr. Wang.A.insteadB.inst
- 5噪声严重影响着人们的生活和工作,以下防治噪声的办法中可行的是( )A.通过科学研究,使噪声源不发生B.将所有噪声源隔离在
- 619世纪中后期,推动资产阶级革命和改革成为时代潮流的根本因素是 [ ]A.西欧资本主义萌芽的出现 B.殖民地独立
- 7有一种节日小彩灯上______(选填“串”或“并”)联着25只小灯泡,如果电源插头处的电流是300mA,那么通过每只小灯
- 8下列叙述正确的是( ) ①锌跟稀硫酸反应制取氢气,加入少量硫酸铜溶液能加快反应速率;②镀层破损后,白铁(镀锌铁)比马口
- 9反比例函数中反比例常数k 的值为( ).
- 10如图所示,向平静的水面投入一枚石子,在水面会激起一圈圈圆形涟漪,当半径从2cm变成5cm时,圆形的面积从______cm
- 1已知△ABC面积为24,将△ABC沿BC的方向平移到△A′B′C′的位置,使B′和C重合,连接AC′交A′C于D,则△C
- 2在△ABC中,角A、B、C的对边分别为a、b、c,已知B=60°.(Ⅰ)若cos(B+C)=-1114,求cosC的值;
- 3请阅读下列材料:让我们来规定一种运算:,例如:=2×5-3×4=10-12=-2. 按照这种运算的规定, 当x=____
- 4如图所示,通电螺线管的外部正上方和内部中间静止悬挂着金属环a和b,当变阻器R的滑动头c向左滑动时[ ]A.a环向
- 5下列各组代数式中,是同类项的是[ ]A.﹣3x和﹣3bB.2xy和axyC.x2y和xy2D.﹣x和x
- 6.(坐标系与参数方程选讲选做题) 圆C:(θ为参数)的圆心到直线l:(t为参数)的距离为 .
- 7为克服当前金融危机的影响,许多国家实行宽松的货币政策,增加货币发行量,向金融机构注资,引发了人们对通货膨胀的担忧。是否发
- 8阅读以下内容 “专卖权像洪水一样,有百害而无一利” ①商品质量降低、盐、肥皂、酒、煤等物价上涨不断。
- 9 戏剧,有丰富的潜台词,才能耐人寻味。阅读剧本,必须理解潜台词,才能读出味来。试写出下边句子的潜台词。 夏
- 10(1)常温下,0.10mol/L NH4Cl溶液pH____7(填“>”、“=”或“<”),溶液中各离子浓度