B. In the UK.
C. In the UN.
B. Through the Internet.
C. Through a magazine.
B. In Brazil.
C. In Britain.
B. To learn English.
C. To be relaxed.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1至4题。1. Where is the writer having his new job? [ ]A. In the US. 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. To cash a cheque.
C. To get his passport.
B. 400 yuan.
C. 500 yuan.
B. Within 5 days.
C. Within 7 days.
B. 9.30 to 11.40 Euros per hour.
C. 9.40 to 11.30 Euros per hour.
B. Grades and personal income.
C. Teacher recommendation and family income.
B. The part time jobs are from 50 to 150 working hours on the average.
C. The woman has got the part time job on the campus.
B. It hadn"t enough money left to buy all the books it needed.
C. It hadn"t enough money left to move all the books it had.
B. The students around the city could come for help.
C. The librarians could have all the books delivered to their homes.
B. More hands, lighter work
C. Where there is a will, there"s a way.
B. At a restaurant.
C. At the woman"s house.
B. She watched a basketball match on TV.
C. She went to a gym to take part in a basketball match.
B. Because he has just had an operation on his leg.
C. Because g he has not carried any currency with him.
B. To educate the young.
C. To help people arrange their time and life.
B. Education.
C. Entertainment.
B. 4.
C. 5.
- 1若二元一次联立方程式的解为x=a,y=b,则a-b=?( )A.B.C.D.-
- 2(选做题)如图,AB为⊙O的直径,D为⊙O上一点且CD⊥AB于C,E,F分别为圆上的点满足∠ACF=∠BCE,直线FE、
- 3—Wow! I’m full. The bread is delicious! —That’s right! It w
- 4对于红磷的燃烧实验,下列描述不正确的是[ ]A.燃烧时会发出大量的热B.产生浓厚的白烟C.发出红色的火焰D.经过
- 542.______ that there′s another good harvest this year.43.A.
- 6下列各句中,没有语病的一项是 ( )A.引起世界关注的甲型流感病毒虽然不易致命,但传播速度快,如果不想办法找到它的
- 7调节呼吸作用、光合作用和蒸腾作用的结构是气孔,控制气孔开闭的细胞是A.表皮细胞B.保卫细胞C.含叶绿体的细胞D.叶肉细胞
- 8下列加粗词的解释无误的一项是[ ]①岁暮(年龄) ②影动摇(摇曳不定) ③人事音书(交游) ④漫寂寥(徒然、白白
- 9据初步统计,2010年浙江省实现生产总值(GDP)27100亿元,全省生产总值增长11.8%。在这里,若将27100亿元
- 10夏日,取池塘中的一滴水,在显微镜下观察,你会发现一些生物的存在,你确认它们是生物的依据是_____。
- 1下列有关名著名篇的说明,不正确的一项是( )A.“我只能接受一个能保护我的男子汉。”甘果瓦脸红了一会儿,知道这是在责备
- 2下图为隋唐时期局部图。A、B、C、D四城市中,同时以陶瓷和纺织品著称的是
- 3某质点绕半径为R的圆弧轨道做匀速圆周运动时( )A.产生向心加速度的力称为向心力B.向心力是该质点受到的合力C.质点线
- 4One of the provinces _______ the union and formed a new coun
- 5Be careful with such things. If you _____, you’ll drop them.
- 6利用轴对称图形为班级的黑板报设计一些能够体现你的特色的镶边.
- 7周朝国君宴请他国使臣时,宴席上的馔品和饮料的种类及摆放的位置都有规矩。宴席结束后,膳夫等人则将没有吃完的牛、羊、豚肉块盛
- 8火车上,有位青年正在阅读《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,一乘客据此推测道:“你在炼钢厂工作吧?”这个笑话说明了某些人对文学名著的无
- 9两个等腰直角三角形斜边的比是1:2,那么它们对应的面积比是[ ]A.1:B.1:2C.1:4D.1:1
- 10Only when he saw the test paper himself, ______ he had faile