B. They are strangers to each other.
C. They are husband and wife.
B. To take a test.
C. To see the secretary.
B. He doesn"t need a designer.
C. He can"t help the woman.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。1. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. T hey are f】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. He is not satisfied with his notes.
C. He has not taken any notes in class.
B. At the beginning of the class.
C. Thirty minutes after class begins.
B. To the cafeteria.
C. To the supermarket.
B. In the library.
C. On the Internet.
B. To know what he can contribute to the company.
C. To know if he can make brochures for the company.
A. At the end of the interview.
B. In the middle of the interview.
C. At the beginning of the interview.
B. They are boring.
C. They are interesting.
B. They are the times to meet her best friends.
C. They are the opportunities to find serious guys.
B. Schoolmates.
C. Teacher and student.
B. The invention of the railways.
C. The fast growth of the railways.
B. Banks were cloud during holidays.
C. The government was not interested in holidays.
B. Income rise.
C. Cheap entertainment.
B. By bus.
C. By train.
B. About 16 bout.
C. About 18 hours.
B. He stays up late the day before the flight.
C. He takes medicine or has a beer on the plane.
- 1在历史发展的进程中,社会群体的兴衰与政治、经济和文化的变迁密切相关。结合所学知识,回答下列问题:(1)市民群体在宋代有较
- 22001年1月7日,《北京晚报》“中国新闻”栏目刊登了科考队员1月4日在新疆罗布泊沙漠考察的消息.当地气温一直在-14℃
- 3如图,正方形ABCD的边长为2cm,以直线AB为轴,将正方形旋转一周,所得圆柱的主视图的周长是___________cm
- 4 (a>0),则________.
- 5从某一高度先后由静止释放两个相同的小球甲和乙,若两球被释放的时间间隔为1s,在不计空气阻力的情况下,它们在空中的运动过程
- 6【题文】若f(x)为R上的奇函数,且在(0,+∞)内是增函数,又f(-3)=0,则 的解集为 &
- 7体育课前,陈明和李易先后从教室跑向操场,陈明猛一关门,震碎了门上的玻璃,陈明稍一停顿,便跑向操场。李易见状犹豫了一下,顺
- 8根据对话情景,在空白处填入合适的句子。A: Hi, Li Dong! Tomorrow is Saturday. __1
- 9下列物质放在水中,能形成溶液的是[ ]A、白糖B、泥土C、粉笔灰D、豆油
- 10我国确定每年的哪一天为植树节?[ ]A.9月10日B.3月12日C.7月1日D.4月12日
- 1下列现象或做法中,能说明声波可以传递信息的是[ ]A. 飞机从房屋旁飞过,窗户玻璃在振动 B. 远处的雷声预示
- 2下列各句中,加粗的成语便用不恰当的一项是[ ]A.这名运动员看上去一副弱不胜衣的样子,实际上,他身体健康,骨骼强
- 3给你两个弹簧测力计,一根橡皮条,一张白纸,细绳套(两个),三角板(两个),方木板等按课本要求做《互成角度的两个共点力的合
- 4阅读《沁园春雪》选段,完成第小题。(6分)北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银
- 5在一个生态系统中,只有草→兔→狼组成的一条食物链.如果猎***了全部的狼,则兔的数量变化曲线应为( )A.B.C.D.
- 6英国史学家柯林伍德这样说过:“当一个人历史地思想的时候,在他的面前有着某些过去的文件或遗物。他的职责就是要发现遗留下来了
- 7如果关于x 的不等式(a-1 )x>a-1 的解集为x<1 ,那么a 的取值范围是[ ]A .a ≤
- 8阅读下面的文字,完成后面题目。城市应该有延续文脉的自觉性葛剑雄中国古代的城市大多是因政治功能而形成并生存的,基本上都是从
- 9印度绝大部分地区处热带、_______带,以__________气候为主。
- 10能将烧碱溶液和澄清石灰水区分开来的是( )A.碳酸钠溶液B.酚酞试剂C.石蕊试剂D.稀盐酸