题型:0108 模拟题难度:来源:
B. Because she dirtied the man"s new shirt.
C. Because she was not able to wash the shirt.
B. In an hour.
C. In an hour and a half.
B. Cleaning the house.
C. Repairing the vacuum cleaner.
B. He is sad.
C. He feels confident.
B. Return the books for the woman.
C. Help the woman with the paper.
试题【听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. A sandwich and a cup of coffee.
C. Sandwiches and some fruit.
B. Because he is too tired.
C. Because he has no time.
B. In a restaurant.
C. At the doctor"s office.
B. To go another four or five blocks.
C. To turn to the left right away.
B. Yellow.
C. Red.
B. Miss the train.
C. Have an accident.
B. He didn"t get the job he wanted.
C. He missed going to the museums.
B. The woman and Sandy.
C. The man and Sandy.
B. Because it is so far away from where they are now.
C. Because he will not be well-paid.
B. On foot.
C. By bus.
B. More than an hour.
C. About five minutes.
B. Because she thought the work wasn"t hard to do.
C. Because she didn"t think the boss would let her go.
B. The shop closed twice.
C. The shop was broken in twice at night.
B. He wanted to photograph anyone who broke into the shop at night.
C. He wanted to photograph his shop.
B. He took the camera which was worth $15,000.
C. He took the necklace which was worth $15,000.
- 1.The _________ look on his face suggested that he hadn’t exp
- 2The old man always ______ thick glasses and works very hard.
- 3 I could hear the rain ____ against the windows.A.strikingB.
- 4When the research on the effect of electric fields on E.coli
- 5若一个四边形的各条边都相等,当边长为3 cm时,它的周长为( ) cm.
- 6二战后联邦德国的经济发展模式被称为A.混合市场经济B.计划指导型经济C.社会市场经济D.政府主导型经济
- 7某电容式话筒的原理示意图如图所示,E为电源,R为电阻,薄片P和Q为两金属极板。对着话筒说话时,P振动而Q可视为不动。在P
- 8在竖直地面上以速度2v0竖直上抛一物体A后,又以初速度v0从同一地点竖直上抛另一物体B,若要使物体在空中相遇,则两物抛出
- 9“太宗皇帝真长策,赚得英雄尽白头!”此诗句与科举制有关。错误:_______________________改正:___
- 10“1926年9月被人嗤之以鼻的国民党人攻下了长沙岳州武昌和汉口。1927年春他们拿下了南京和上海,到1928年6月,北京
- 1作文(60分)从下面两道题目中任选其一作文(1)题目:我心中的秘密(2)根据你对下面材料的理解,自选角度,自拟文题,写一
- 2迫使陈胜、吴广在大泽乡起义的根本原因是[ ]A.繁重的兵役 B.刑法严酷,误期***头 C.徭役、赋税沉重
- 3下列关于公有制的认识正确的是A.公有制经济包括国有经济和民营经济B.增强公有制的主体地位,必须深化国有企业公司制股份制改
- 4我国的行政区域,基本上划分为( )A.省、市、县三级B.省、直辖市、自治区三级C.省、县、村D.省、县、乡三级
- 5东半球中间经线的度数是[ ]A、90°EB、90°W C、0°ED、70°W
- 6甲午中日战争后,中国社会面临怎样严峻的形势?概括指出社会各阶级和阶层对这一“形势”作出的反应及其结局。卢沟桥事变后,中国
- 7一质量为m的物体放置在水平桌面上,它与桌面的动摩擦因数为μ,从静止开始受到大小为F的水平力作用而开始运动,求:(1)物体
- 8如图所示,光滑平面上,两个相隔一定距离的小球分别以v0和0.8v0的速度反向匀速运动,它们中间另有两个小球(小球1和小球
- 9He is __ hungry. [ ]A. a littleB. a bitsC. a littl
- 10It is _____ to his classmates that he will go on a trip to J