A. $1215
B. $1250
C. $1255
B. A free round-trip flight ticket.
C. Flight, hotel and two meals a day.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-2题。 1. What does the cheapest round-trip flight ticket cost? A. $12】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. For an interview
C. For a checkup.
B. The timetable is full.
C. The doctor himself is ill.
B. At 9:15 tomorrow.
C. On the ninth of next month.
B. In a restaurant.
C. In a language center.
B. The fourth course.
C. The fifth course.
B. For two weeks.
C. For two months.
B. They should be much larger.
C. They are a bit small.
B. He played with his friends.
C. He stayed at home.
B. To attend afternoon classes.
C. To play with his friends.
B. Physics and Latin
C. French and Latin.
B. 1945
C. 1947
B. It"s boring.
C. It"s interesting.
B. A window cleaner.
C. A computer programmer.
B. It is worn out.
C. It was left at the man"s house.
B. Buying concert tickets.
C. Seeing a singer.
B. Mail her package tomorrow.
C. Send her package by airmail.
B. To earn more money.
C. To live in a smaller town.
B. They are moving to the US.
C. They hate it where they are.
B. Colleagues.
C. Neighbours.
- 1中国共产党领导中国社会主义现代化建设的实践证明,党要始终把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为一切工作的出发点
- 2完形填空。 Many years ago, in a small town,there lived a doct
- 32012年两会召开前夕,人民网开设“两会有话网上说”栏目,希望广大网民建言献策,这一栏目的开设有利于公民通过______
- 4(本小题满分12分)设,且满足(1)求的值.(2)求的值.
- 5如图,河两岸a,b互相平行,C,D是河岸a上间隔40米的两根电线杆,某人在河岸b上的A处,测得∠DAE=45°,然后沿河
- 6关于世界人口分布的叙述,正确的是A.人口稠密地区都分布在发展中国家B.面积较大的平原都是人口稠密地区C.人口自然增长率最
- 7义犬(11分)潞安①某甲,父陷狱将死。搜括囊蓄,傅百金,将诣郡关②说。跨骡出,则所养黑犬从之。呵逐使退。既走,则又从之,
- 8英国早期工人斗争的形式主要有( )①武装起义 ②请愿 ③罢工 ④发动“无印花之战”A.①④B.①②C.③④D.②③
- 9已知点M(a,3-a)是第二象限的点,则a的取值范围是______.
- 10在2011年女排世界杯比赛中,中国女排再现了老女排的精神和作风,以3∶0横扫欧洲新锐德国队,拿到伦敦奥运会的入场券。女排
- 1若,则[ ]A.-3 B.-6C.-9D.-12
- 2-------May I take my pet dog with me into the cinema? ------
- 330年来,新疆的国民经济以年均10.3%的速度增长。2008年,新疆工业增加值达1790.7亿元,比1952年增长274
- 4管理好通胀预期必须关注物价的上涨。一般来说,从防止物价过快上涨角度看,可采取调节利率、汇率和变动财政收支等多种手段。下列
- 5I"ve been writing this report ________ for the last two week
- 6如图所示为一质点作直线运动的速度-时间图象,下列说法中正确的是[ ]A.整个过程中,CD段和DE段的加速度数值最
- 7小题1:China has solved its people’s problem of ______(足够的)foo
- 8目前,世界上信仰人数最多的宗教是( )A.基督教B.伊斯兰教C.佛教D.道教
- 9最近,很多中学生都纷纷开起了自己的博客。对于这一现象,存在两种不同的观点:学生认为家长和老师认为展示自己的窗口;释放学习
- 10已知集合M={y|y=x2-1,x∈R},N={x|y=3-x2},则M∩N=( )A.[-1,+∞)B.[-1,3]